Bust a gut, or lose some brain cells: Random things you find on the net

I know it's old but I revisited the Sarah Silverman 'I'm f'ing Matt Damon' and Jimmy Kimmel's 'I'm f'ing Ben Affleck' tunes this morning...

Man those things still make me laugh out loud - the Ben Affleck one is funnier to me (especially the Harrison Ford bit)
The Oracle of Bacon:


Okay, unless you were in a movie and appear in the IMDB database it might not get your number.....but it'll get anyone else's. :kickass:

I tried it with my friend Jason C. Miller, who aside from having some acting credits (mostly anime voiceovers), also sings for the band Godhead:

Jason Miller (X) has a Bacon number of 2.

Jason Miller (X)
was in Danny Roane: First Time Director (2006)
with Frankie Muniz
was in My Dog Skip (2000)
with Kevin Bacon


Then I tried it with Francisco Bosch, an online acquaintance who hasn't been in as much stuff:


Francisco Bosch has a Bacon number of 2.

Francisco Bosch
was in Alexander (2004)
with Connor Paolo
was in Mystic River (2003)
with Kevin Bacon


So, yes, it's true.

When Kevin Bacon wants to change a light-bulb, all he has to do is hold it over his head; the world really does revolve around him. :lol:

(Then I tried putting in.....Kevin Bacon.)
Kevin Bacon has a Bacon number of 0.
Kevin Bacon