Heh, that CDC blog entry has been getting HAMMERED; it's not coming up at all now. Awesome idea for an engaging blog, though.
Saw this for the first time in Plainfield...... IA did some translating where necessary:
I believe I posted one of these a few pages ago.I love Regular Ordinary Swedish Mealtime. It's awesome that Mattias showed it, and translated! I hear that it's pretty hilarious if you understand Swedish, as well as English. I think it's hilarious and I only understand the English bits.
On the topic of zombies, anyone seen the Zombie Proof House?
I definitely missed it if you posted it. It was actually Chris Ptacek, who put the clinic together, that showed us these masterpieces.
Su, I see your chimp on a segue, and raise you a NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM