As many people here know, I recently got a PSA 1.1 (since I won't shut up about it
The only thing I can say about that one is that it's not very easy to use for distorted sounds. Clean and Bass sounds are amazing, but the distorted sounds require alot of tweaking, EQing and general fiddling with to get good. It doesn't really lend itself to being used with impulses since it has a sort-of cab sim already built in. What that means is without impulses you get a very harsch, sharp sound but with impulses you get a very dark and buried sound.
However I still very much like it for my purposes, and after messing around alot with it you get to know it's strenghts and it's weaknesses, and then you can start really working with it. What I love about it is that it's really in your face, you don't have to work at all on getting the guitars to stand out in the mix, they are already there!
I don't use it with impulses anymore, instead I just work alot with the EQ to smooth out the harschness, and bring out some of the 'meat' in the sound. To me, this conserves the energy and raw attack in the sound, (the tradmark PSA sound basically!) but at the same time doesn't give you that raw preamp sound. You kind have to work WITH the built in cab sim, instead of AROUND it.
In conclusion I could say that this unit can definitely produce some killer tones! I'm not there yet myself, but I'm getting closer everyday! Sometimes I wish I would have gotten something a little more user-friendly but as I said, it kicks ass for clean and bass, and with a little work the distortion is getting there! There is something about the gritty raw-ness of the sound that I just love, but you definitely have to learn to tame the beast if you want to use it!