Buying USED instruments

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
My first time doing this.....I'm Looking at a Fender Standard Jazz Bass....And its from a local dude here in ohio.... looks brand new the only thing it's 12 yrs old
a 12 yr old instrument is still cool as long as it has been taken care of right?

What are some of the things you check for when you guys go to check out a used instrument?

Of course make sure nothing is cracked on the body or neck. make sure it can hold tune. and make sure the intonation is okay......of course it might be off a little as the owner said it hasnt been played in awhile....

thanks for any info
Check the neck for straightness, the neck joint for tightness, look for stress cracks at the tuning pegs and at the neck joint, plug it in and make sure everything works cleanly.
What egan said.

Look for the things that can't be adjusted easily.

Action or intonation may be off, but look at the fret wear; does it need a fret job? Check out the nut, is it worn down, is there any string buzz?

Make sure you factor what you may have to replace or rework into the price.
Stinnet what do you mean by "look at the fret wear; does it need a fret job"
These are actually pictures of the bass, i'm looking to buy

so by fret wear your talking the silver frets? check to see if they are worn down to the fretboard? i think thats what you mean

Here are a few more pics of it....i won't be able to see it in person till sunday
Looks pretty pristine to me.



That Hard Case comes with it....It's going for $350
You guy's think that's a good buy?