Buzzard's Back!!!!!


Jul 15, 2002
In between
I was checking my email and found someone replied to this topic.....I get here and find this!!

Here is something funny, Scott ian is supposed to have dinner with em at the end of te month.

Now whatcha make of that?!?:eek:
Better look again.

And please spare us the censorship rants, people. This is a privately-owned message board and they can delete whatever the hell they want. If you don't like it then go elsewhere. End of story.

DAMN IT! It sure has! I have the email notification stating Buzzard replied.....what was censored here, is Buzz added that he'd "bitch slap em" at dinner. What bugs the shit outta me is, it HAS to be Milano or thew thread woulda stayed up. I posted that the topic is "Killith Fair with Milano?" and got Buzzard's reply. Guess I'm headed to that thred to see if it's been "censored" as well.
Those posts are not being "censored". Think of it this way:
If some guy is being a complete prick at a bar, for example, and he gets kicked out, is he being censored? I don't think so.

Just my opinion.

Does that make sense?