Buzzing action

tony bologna

Nov 13, 2002
loserville VA
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does anybody know how to get low action without buzzing? I lowered my action as low as it will go without buzzing (buzzes at the 5th fret on the A string and the 13th fret on the G string), and but now my action is so high I can't tap. I have an LTD M-102, with a pain in the ass floyd rose. I've tried everything but sanding down my jumbo frets at this point.
Buzzing sucks!:mad:

I can't help you with buzzing, but I would like to know from where you got the excerpt you use in your signature.:)
I found my signature on a site about the philosophy of male long hair. I wish I could find it again, I would give you the address. I think I used the yahoo search engine. Very cool stuff. And true
Buzzing is inevitable with really low action. I can bet you that even Romeos guitars (for example ) buzz a little. The key is make sure you dont get any "fret outs" that is, when you bend a string, you don't want it to choke and not sound.
that's the term I was looking for, fret out, my guitar doesn't just buzz a little, you can hear it choke the note even played loud with distortion. Well it doesn't matter anyway now because I'm getting rid of the guitar. I think that bolt on neck guitars have bad intonation or something. I'm gonna get a neck thru model and see if that helps any, because my les paul has super low action and it doesn't make a sound.
Originally posted by tony bologna
that's the term I was looking for, fret out, my guitar doesn't just buzz a little, you can hear it choke the note even played loud with distortion. Well it doesn't matter anyway now because I'm getting rid of the guitar. I think that bolt on neck guitars have bad intonation or something. I'm gonna get a neck thru model and see if that helps any, because my les paul has super low action and it doesn't make a sound.

Theres a chance the neck is warped too. If you've ever gone a long time without getting it set up or left it in an extreme climate for a long period of time (sometimes even just a day), that can do it.
nah, the neck should have been fine, the guitar is brand new! Unless they left it out in the rain, it should set up like a new guitar should. Oh well, I'll just have to try and find an M-II somewhere...

<------------- me beating my piece of shit guitar into the ground