Buzzkill - Driven by Loss

Buzzkill - Driven by Loss
In at the Deep End Records – IATDE025 - 31/10/05
By Sam Brokenshaw


Well, where to begin? I should start by professing my absolute fucking loathing of all things Ska or Ska inflected. Buzzkill kind of cripple themselves from the off in this respect, by featuring a competent but no less annoying 2 piece brass section who bleat away over the top of everything. Add this to the fact that "delinquent rock and roll" is possibly one of the least needed genres of music these days, in my opinion, and we aren't exactly suffering from love at first sight right here.

The band are certainly competent at churning out anthems on the heavier side of pop-punk with the obvious horn orientated inflection, doing so like they really mean it. There is no shortage of energy here, sadly this also adds up to a complete shortage of anything new to be said or indeed done. This band conjures an image of some sort of ancient pop rock band in fast forward, loving the discovery of tube overdrive. There just isn't anything here which strikes me as at all original or indeed vital. Buzzkill are obviously going for visceral effect over intellectualised content and perhaps that's the point, but this just is not enough in a musical climate like today, where there are already 25 bands doing exactly what Buzzkill attempt only better.

The songs just blast by on this album, nay a blink of an eye to consider or even break up the furious pace, Buzzkill cannot be doubted in terms of sincerity or effort, they sure do play hard and with feeling, unfortunately only one feeling. The band is somewhat aptly named, they sure have killed my buzz today. It might be driven by loss, but unfortunatly loss drove this cd right into my garbage can. Time to go back to college guys!


Buzzkill Official Website
In at the Deep End Records Official Website