One of those "Life Soundtrack" games, but exclusively metal.

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Oct 1, 2009
Boston, Massachusetts
Exactly what it says on the tin. Fill in the blanks as a song comes. No skipping until you get something better unless it's not some kind of metal. Nu, Alt, and -Core counts.

Opening Credits: Death - 1000 Eyes (Okay?)

Waking Up: Static-X - Fix (Am I robot?)

Average Day: In Flames - Upon An Oaken Throne (The average day must be kickass!)

First Date: Death - Misanthrope (Am I dating some weirdo goth chick? Not bad :rock:)

Falling In Love: Deathmøle - Clotting Agent (Instrumental Post Metal works, I guess)

Fight Scene: Scar Symmetry - Sculptor Void (Is it some kind of Final Fantasy style fight? :p )

Breaking Up: Candlemass - Dark Are The Veils Of Death (Heh, bad break up.)

Getting Back Together: Obscura - Orbital Elements (Well at least it's instrumental :D)

Secret Love: The Faceless - Coldly Calculated Design (What.)

Life's Okay: Cryptopsy - Worship Your Demons (Indeed it is.)

Mental Breakdown: Death - Evil Dead (Maybe I become a zombie?)

Driving: The Faceless - Akeldama (Only one that has fit kinda well so far.)

Learning A Lesson: Cannibal Corpse - An Experiment In Homicide (I kill my ex!? OH NO!)

Deep Thought: Cephalotripsy - Aesthetic Upholstery of Molested Dead Flesh (What kinda thoughts am I having? o_O I KILLED MY EX!?)

Flashback: SikTh - Another Sinking Ship (Hmm... dunno what to make of this.)

Partying: Austrian Death Machine - Iron Fist (Motörhead cover) (Alright! Kickass party metal at last!)

Happy Dance: Embodyment - Carnival Chair (Dancing to death metal would involve me swinging around the intestines of MY EX GIRLFRIEND! :OMG: )

Regretting: Engel - Casket Closing (Well kinda makes sense.)

Long Night Alone: Cannibal Corpse - Return To Flesh (Porn? Makes sense yet again!)

Death Scene: Iron Maiden - Rainmaker (This thing is fucking with me now...)

Ending Credits: Nightwish - Meadows Of Heaven (Nice way to end... but the rest of it was brutal. Bit of a buzzkill for some XD)
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