BWBK Selling out?


Feb 11, 2002
Never thought I'd see the day when I saw a banner on the BWBK website for an upcoming Kid Rock concert. Which brings to light an interesting questions. At which point to you say "no that doesn't fit the outline of my webpage or beliefs"? What's next? Lady Gaga in Cleveland? :Smug:
Never thought I'd see the day when I saw a banner on the BWBK website for an upcoming Kid Rock concert. Which brings to light an interesting questions. At which point to you say "no that doesn't fit the outline of my webpage or beliefs"? What's next? Lady Gaga in Cleveland? :Smug:

They don't control all of the ads that go on their site. Some aspects of their site contain boxes that you can purchase ad-space through them directly, and others (usually the more prime spots) are run by a middle-company (I think in BWBK's situation, Fixion Media). Livenation, Clearchannel, whichever company is promoting that Kid Rock show books an ad campaign with Fixion, Fixion places the ad in BWBK's rotation. BWBK gets a % of the ad revenue. Therefore, they don't really have a say in what goes up on there.

Not that they should even care. How else are these guys supposed to make a living delivering you news, reviews, interviews, etc that you think are quality enough that warrant you to be a regular visitor of that site? You think running a site like BWBK and Blabbermouth is easy? Those guys have to literally stay up all the time almost every day, eschewing social lives, etc for the success of the service they bring to you by way of a constant stream of news within the metal scene. Heaven forbid your beautiful virgin eyes get deflowered by the sight of a small box at the top of the screen with info for an icky stinky Kid Rock show!!!! :lol:

Also Lady Gaga rules.
Elaborate. You're not implying that simply switching to digital-only news is selling out are you?

They quit printing because circulation was down due to...the Internet.....and thus they weren't profitable at that time. Fixion Media do in fact buy ad space there, as does Google. We know Tim well.
How else are these guys supposed to make a living delivering you news, reviews, interviews, etc that you think are quality enough that warrant you to be a regular visitor of that site? You think running a site like BWBK and Blabbermouth is easy?

Also Lady Gaga rules.

All That! You think it's hard to make money in the music industry? Try being in the media now. No one wants to pay for print media. Or really any written/photo/video content. Subsequently, no one wants to pay journalists and photographers regardless of the quality of work. Let them make money anyway they can. Hopefully, the media industry will find a way to be profitable in the internet age and maybe they and the "readers" will start to care about quality writing and other material over free, unqualified information.

As for Lady Gaga, I did not like the sound of her stuff at first listen, but I fell in love with her hit "Bad Romance" after seeing :lol:

Ok, I challenge some of you ProgPower guys to pull THIS off in the Artmore courtyard next year.
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All That! You think it's hard to make money in the music industry? Try being in the media now. No one wants to pay for print media. Or really any written/photo/video content. Subsequently, no one wants to pay journalists and photographers regardless of the quality of work. Let them make money anyway they can. Hopefully, the media industry will find a way to be profitable in the internet age and maybe they and the "readers" will start to care about quality writing and other material over free, unqualified information.

Damn straight. I definitely picked the wrong major that's for sure.
Damn straight. I definitely picked the wrong major that's for sure.

Eh, I mean the economy is in such shape that you may as well've picked whatever major you wanted regardless. The job market is so shitty that nobody's getting a job these days, so may as well do what you want on your own terms since everyone's basically on an even keel right now.
Eh, I mean the economy is in such shape that you may as well've picked whatever major you wanted regardless. The job market is so shitty that nobody's getting a job these days, so may as well do what you want on your own terms since everyone's basically on an even keel right now.
Too early to hijack the thread, but that's not exactly true. Careers in any part of the health care industry are booming and lawyers are still doing way better than journalists and musicians.
Too early to hijack the thread, but that's not exactly true. Careers in any part of the health care industry are booming and lawyers are still doing way better than journalists and musicians.

That's not what I've heard from like everyone else, considering that I am thinking about getting into law. I've been told by many people I trust that the law field is going to hell right now because of the economic state of affairs. Healthcare will always boom. Everyone gets sick. :D
Ban internet news sites, they are causing the downfall of the news industry. Nobody buys print anymore because of the internet.
Or music. Ban the internet altogether! Ah well, who can live w/o it? Media and the music industry will just have to figure a way to use the internet to sell product. Til then, some of us will struggle.

I don't know where you live AS, but in NJ the lawyers are having no problem making a decent living.