BWBK's Operation Mindcrime II review

Let me put it this way, I can understand Martin's evasive review. If this disc was put out by an unknown, then people would probably be raving over it. However, it is tainted before you hear because of the "Rycheansuckass" factor over the past few albums. I know it does effect me. I like it, but I don't love it. It's heavier than the past few albums, but is that saying much? Anyhow, I love the RJD (Chase) stuff and Geoff sounds awesome.

It's going to be interesting reading the reviews once the leak hits.

Glenn H.
Harvester said:
Let me put it this way, I can understand Martin's evasive review.
I can't. It's his job to offer up his opinion, and be as specific as possible. "Evasive" is probably one of the worst attributes a reviewer can be tagged with.

Harvester said:
If this disc was put out by an unknown, then people would probably be raving over it.
I agree that this CD will be especially difficult for people to absorb on its own merrits. That said, I agree with DarkTide. I expect there to be a lot of initial excitement and positive reviews. I also expect, that when all is said and done, this disc will find its way into very, very few Top XX lists.

General Zod said:
Than it does not deserve the "Mindcrime" monikor. I stand by my original sentiment,

That's not your call, General... if the band feels it's a masterpiece, and feels it deserves the "Mindcrime" moniker, it's really 100% their decision, and 0% anyone else's decision.

General Zod said:
I will never even listen to this CD.

Now that is your call... you're free to choose what you want to listen to. Though your definitive statement that the album sucks becomes highly questionable after saying that you haven't heard the album and never will.
Sumeet said:
That's not your call, General... if the band feels it's a masterpiece, and feels it deserves the "Mindcrime" moniker, it's really 100% their decision, and 0% anyone else's decision.
Whether or not it receives the monikor, is the band's call. Whether or not it deserves it, is everyone's call.

Sumeet said:
Though your definitive statement that the album sucks becomes highly questionable after saying that you haven't heard the album and never will.
Yes and no. For instance, I've never been raped in prison by nine inmates serving life sentences for various crimes. However, even though I've never had that experience, I can still say, with a near degree of certainty, that it wouldn't be much fun. In a similar vein, I know "Mindcrime II" will suck.:loco:

General Zod said:
Yes and no. For instance, I've never been raped in prison by nine inmates serving life sentences for various crimes. However, even though I've never had that experience, I can still say, with a near degree of certainty, that it wouldn't be much fun. In a similar vein, I know "Mindcrime II" will suck.:loco:

General Zod said:
Whether or not it receives the monikor, is the band's call. Whether or not it deserves it, is everyone's call.

Fair enough, especially given the general tendency of people to want to have an opinion on everything. I suppose to argue this point further would just be semantics anyway, heh.

General Zod said:
Yes and no. For instance, I've never been raped in prison by nine inmates serving life sentences for various crimes. However, even though I've never had that experience, I can still say, with a near degree of certainty, that it wouldn't be much fun. In a similar vein, I know "Mindcrime II" will suck.:loco:

Sarcasm aside, I would scarcely consider prison rape and listening to a CD to be analogous. Nonetheless, if you've already decided beforehand that something is going to suck, then you will indeed find that it sucks. You're not even open to the possibility that it won't suck, and are not even willing to give it a shot. That's true for any experience, whether it be prison rape or music listening.

When it comes to prison rape, I find myself in the same boat as you... I have already pre-decided that it will suck, I am not willing to give it a shot, and I will make every conceivable effort to avoid it. However, I am a bit more open-minded when it comes to listening to a CD.
Sumeet said:
Sarcasm aside, I would scarcely consider prison rape and listening to a CD to be analogous.
Nor would I... hence my sarcasm.
Sumeet said:
Nonetheless, if you've already decided beforehand that something is going to suck, then you will indeed find that it sucks.
I won't find anything, because I'll never hear it.
Sumeet said:
You're not even open to the possibility that it won't suck, and are not even willing to give it a shot.
If you're open to the possibility that Mike Stone will write music on par with what DeGarmo created, more power to you. You are indeed an optimist.
Sumeet said:
When it comes to prison rape, I find myself in the same boat as you. I have already pre-decided that it will suck, I am not willing to give it a shot, and I will make every conceivable effort to avoid it.
I'm glad we were able to establish some common ground.
Sumeet said:
However, I am a bit more open-minded when it comes to listening to a CD.
It has absolutely nothing to do with being open-minded. It's simply a matter of odds. The odds that this will be a worthy follow-up to the original are 1,845,565,448,100,117,228,557,110 to 1 (these are actual Vegas betting odds... I did not make them up). However, the odds that I'll perceive the original work differently, in light of the story being refined (by people who are no longer artistically capable of finishing this story) during Part II, are relatively good. So, why risk having my perception of my all-time favorite CD altered, just so I can listen to a CD recorded by a band who hasn't written a decent song in more than a decade?
