by your bedside tabs??


Jun 24, 2002
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Hi, i haven't posted on this board before. I like the band, to me it's the perfect balance between melody and brutality.

Anyway, i have a guitar, i don't play well but i like to try and have a bash. I have been trying to work out how to play by your bedside because i think the song is awesome. I'm posting these tabs up because i can't find any tabs for it and though i know they will be wrong i am hoping it may encourage firstly corrections and secondly hopefully it will motivate someone to complete what i am too disabled to do.

I've really only tabbed two parts out but for those who don't know them already.....maybe have some fun playing an incorrect interpretation of the song.

Sorry for the poor spelling and grammatical errors.

the kept alive by machines part (normal vehemence guitar tuning)

guitar 1 tremlo picking


guitar 2 bars 1 and 2 tremlo 3 and 4 just the chords


Verse riff. (i'm a little less sure of this than even the other bit but here it is anyway.)



alternate verse riff



little bits of riffs
pmpm pmpm pm............|

tremlo picking



so, that's all i know... or more appropriately don't know.

I just figured rather than pissing and moaning about no tabs i'd have a crack at it first. If you know where same tabs for the song are please direct me or it would be great if someone could help out with corrections / filling in the blanks.... if not call me an idiot with no idea, either way...

I posted both parts and bass on our website, in the download section, the guitar pro tan could be fixed a little bit more like with correct guitar langauge and side notes. Since im not as experienaced at guitar pro, dont play the bass parts, or Bjorns parts, if you feel there needs to be a correction, do it yourself and send it to the vehemence freaks thank you. It would be cool if someone could put the lyrics with the tabs as well.
Ok first correction: its the muted chords right after nate and mark say " BY YOUR BEDSIDE". the correct chords are:


The doubled notes i didn't put a dash between.

My ass was up late night doing it, whoops, double vision or whatever, like I said, I hate tabbin but im doing it for yall. I will fix this on the gp4 file very soon. Next songs are We Are All Dying, God Was Created, and Kill for God.