bye bye


Trapped in hated logic
Feb 10, 2002
I don't post here too much I guess but I'ts 3AM and I'm delirious so here goes:

Ok so I'm not like leaving leaving but going away for a couple weeks. Tomorrow is my flight out to Peru for some backpacking hiking and climbing and general de-toxification from this urban jungle I happen to reside in.

here's my very modest going away offering:

in case you were wondering more, there will be news in December, when I come back. Gnite!
ITT I declare the greatness of Amaranthine.

Seriously folks, put away the Velnias for a moment and listen again to "The Awakening" (last half of this song in particular is stellar with a capital S) and then let's campaign to get these guys back to HC
umm thanks.. Peru diarea was awesome by the way.
Nostalgia will finally be out in January (unofocial statement). Writing some folky shit as we speak but who knows where that will really go.

HC would be a blast, I'm sure.
Nostalgia will finally be out in January (unofocial statement).

Are you taking pre-orders? The wait is killing me. o_O

New artwork looks great too.

I was considering setting up a pre-order page and concluded it was a decent idea.. we'll have something up before the months end. We'll probably try to pimp out a t-shirt+cd combo

there will be a free listening/release party in Jan.. maybe the weekend of the 24th. it'll be a bunch of drunk friends and metalheads.. should be good times.
You know, somehow I never even heard much of the previous Gwynbleidd material or bought the EP or anything...

and I always meant to.

I should get on this now.