DragonLady1 said:I got an ipod, underwear and a cool neklace
Post pictures of those 3 presents on the picture thread, plz.
DragonLady1 said:I got an ipod, underwear and a cool neklace
DragonLady1 said:well yeah I also gave a lot of presents, but I always like to give presents, no need for christmas for this hehe
and about the pics.... ehm NO the only thing u can get is a pic of me with my new opeth hat hahaha
Fredy_Brown said:Money
*edit: Terry Pratchet, Cuthalion?
DragonLady1 said:plintus, I think u win the list of rich parents or friends
Siren said:Actually, we exchange the presents on New Year's Eve (it's supposed to be the change of the year, but we do it in the afternoon). And that's because the greek Santa Claus has his name-day on the 1st of January.
Cuthalion said:yes i'm a Discworld freak
UndoControl said:I didn't get anything because i don't celebrate Xmas and because i spent december 24 and 25 with my grandfather and father, who don't celebrate it either.