

HMAS Slagdestroyer
Mar 23, 2005
Sydney, Australia

I do cocaaaaaaaaine!

(seriously... a lot of cocaine!)
Cheers... it's good to be back!
It's a bit weird seeing p_d posting again though :lol:

DISCLAIMER: I am not associated with or representative of Adult Swim, Metalocalpyse, Dëthkløk or related bodies. This is not intended to be an impersonation of Dr Rockso however if he happens to have an account on UltimateMetal and moderates a forum of any kind, be it Metalocalypse related or otherwise, I will voluntarily withraw the image and quotes in the initial post of this thread. Unless of course he has a sense of humour.
Fuck man, you can pick your nights can't you... I was here all last night as it is. Still haven't slept, just been working and occasionally distracting myself on here. Odds of me still being here tonight are very slim. SMS me if you end up going anyway, see how it goes.
Just a random security guard. He was originally trying to chase me away from the receptionist and take my pop-top bottle of port off me but once he realised I didn't really do cocaine he was like my best mate for all of 5 minutes. He seemed keen to come along for some port and bourbons after his shift but he never showed...

Shirt off?

It might not be the right colour but it does the job.