Cab comparison


Jun 20, 2007

Last week i asked you guys what cabs you recommended. And it seems like the Harley Benton cabs with v30's where popular choice.
Could someone out here put out a cab comparison, THe ones im intrested in is the HB, a Marshall 1960(v75 or greenbacks) and a mesa v30 cab.
Would really help me allot.

Thnks and Cheers // Chris SWE
Chrille. I think you have to think differently. The amp you own, might sound good through a Harley Benton, or a stock peavey 4x12, or a Marshall 1960V (the V is very important, otherwise I wouldn't recommend it). You have to test it yourself. and with an equalizer, you can basically make one cab sound close to another so... See where I'm going at?
Hi there,

I own both marshall 1960 cab with v30s and a Harley Benton 4x12 with v30s.
And I think the Harley sounds better, and I hate to say that but it seems to be the case. I will certainly make a recording of both if you like, let me know.

The only thing I would say is if you are looking to use the HB 4x12 live, then I don't think it will last long the covering on it looks pretty flimsy and the input jack wont take alot of punishment. However that can be replaced for something more road worthy I suppose.
