"Cab in the Corner" v's "Cab in Open" (samples included)


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
Well after some recent talk about recording with a "cab in the corner" v's a "cab in the open" I decided to make a couple of samples.

I usually have my Cab in the corner of a walk-in closet with dimensions of 2.2M long X 1.5M wide by 2.4M high with the door closed. The cab's Back is 100mm from the wall and one of its Side's is 50mm from a wall. The cab is positioned along the longer side of the room which means that the Front of the cab is only 1M from a wall. I have 2 couch cushions against the wall directly in front of the cab to stop some reflections off a straight plaster wall. The cab has the castors on it since the floor is carpet on rubber underlay onto concrete slab. Basically this is a very tight room with the Cab in what some/most would consider the worst possible position. I have reamped the Septic Ashes 2 DI guitar tracks with the mic 1 inch from the cloth pointed at where the dustcap meats the cone.

I then moved the Cab into a larger room. Now the Cab's Front was more than 2M from a wall, both side's were more than 1M from a wall and the Back was about 5M from a wall. I recorded the same tracks with the mic in as close as possible position as I could (I marked the cab with some tape before I moved it where the mic was. This tape was removed before recording the other sample).

Here are the files, can guess which one is which???, go on have a guess :lol: Although they are probably not as far apart as you would initially think :



Here are some pics of the setup (not including the larger room setup):





Both Samples are Double-tracked with only a hi/lo pass at 70 12k respectively and panned 80/80, otherwise RAW. Raw Guitar tracks always sound harsh when not in a mix IMO, but I wanted you to hear them as recorded (apart from the hi/lo pass that is, hey, that would be done anyway reagrdless so I decided to do it). They are a bit Bright, I turned the Sweep up a bit higher than normal and I am not sure that I like the tone but the samples demonstrate what the different Cab positions sound like nonetheless.

How much different do you guys think these 2 would be in a mix??? (someone can feel free to add them to their Septic Ashes Mix song if they like :) :lol: , it might be interesting to hear them in a mix and I haven't done a mix of this song)

Anyway, thought some might be interested. Feel free to leave some comments/feedback.

Cheers. :)
I'd say sample 2 is in the closet, the other one is the fag (out of the closet) *yeah I know, bad joke :p *
2 isn't quite as defined, and just doesn't sound as balanced. 1 has a nice "open" sound to it, which reminds me of the sound of recording in a larger room vs the recorded I've got in a smaller room.
2 Sounds like the closet to me, as well. It can clearly be heard in the palm mutes. Great tone, btw.
Yeah, it was not too hard to tell that Sample 2 was "In the Closet". Neb, they are both fag's, just one admits it, one doesn't :lol: . Discordless, +6dB, interesting. I was still surprised that there wasn't more of a difference. I agree DSS3 that it would probably be more of a problem when quadtracking though. AudioPhile777, don't worry about the Noobsauce, I recorded them and my first listen I thought where's the difference until the palm-mutes started. Tornio, same mic position, as close as possible anyway. Shadow_Walker, I am still not sure on the tone, it's a bit bright and raspy. Might sound OK in a mix though.

Thanks for the feedback.
They might be fags, but the tone suits the Septic Ashes vibe more than the big balls of the recto IMO. I think it's a really decent tone. As has been mentioned, a bit bright, but fix that and tweak the mic position a tad and that will be one hell of a tone!
Yeah, it was not too hard to tell that Sample 2 was "In the Closet". Neb, they are both fag's, just one admits it, one doesn't :lol: . Discordless, +6dB, interesting. I was still surprised that there wasn't more of a difference. I agree DSS3 that it would probably be more of a problem when quadtracking though. AudioPhile777, don't worry about the Noobsauce, I recorded them and my first listen I thought where's the difference until the palm-mutes started. Tornio, same mic position, as close as possible anyway. Shadow_Walker, I am still not sure on the tone, it's a bit bright and raspy. Might sound OK in a mix though.

Thanks for the feedback.

Awesome... I still wouldn't be able to tell which one is in or out though... so the Noobsauce sticks... :lol:
They might be fags, but the tone suits the Septic Ashes vibe more than the big balls of the recto IMO. I think it's a really decent tone. As has been mentioned, a bit bright, but fix that and tweak the mic position a tad and that will be one hell of a tone!

Well this is a new tone I am trying. After reading many comments (including yours in my "808 on/off samples" thread) about my past tones, I finally backed the Gain down to 4 and set the 808 to give just a little dirt and had the level so the overall volume was the same with it on and off. It definitely is a more defined sound. I can put more balls back in by backing the Sweep down to 3 and moving the mic in a half-inch which sounds pretty ballsy (also these samples are only double-tracked, I gotta try these settings with quad-tracking and see how they sound), but i have noticed a few of the latest popular tones on here are less-gainy and more balanced without such a thick low end (think Dss3's JSX tone), so that is what I was going for but it ended up a bit fizzier. Anyway, that's what experimenting is all about. :loco:

Awesome... I still wouldn't be able to tell which one is in or out though... so the Noobsauce sticks... :lol:

Yes, it does. I am covered in the stuff. :erk:
Apparantly/actually the Sweep adjusts the Centre of all EQ controls, Bass, Mid and Treb. Thsi is why the tone is so bright and the Bass is so low even with it's knob on 6. It is a pretty aggressive control and i couldn't see a use for it above 5 and below 3. They really should have spread all that control between 0 and 10 instead of 3 to 5.
I am uploading another sample of the Septic DI tracks I had reamped earlier with the same amp settings apart from the Gain being on 5, but the bigger difference is that the Sweep was on 3. The Big difference in the sound is due to the Sweep on 3 rather than 4 as in the latest samples more than the gain setting. Should be up in around 10 mins.

EDIT (10 minutes later haha)

Quite a difference in tone huh?

After re-listening, the Gain makes a big difference to the definition/sharpness/clarity as well (particularly the mutes).

I need Andy's wisdom. :lol: I wonder if he used to use the stock tubes in the Revo. Actually I wonder if he uses the Revo anymore at all. It seems he uses the Stein now instead.
I like the added gain. It seems to sound close to the max comfortable gain I would use to double track, but is more suitable to the track that the gain setting you had before. Good call on that.
Though, the new sample is a bit too dark IMO. Maybe bring the sweep up a tad, or just dial in more highs and that tone will crush!
Neb, thanks for the reply. Definitely agree about that sample sounding too dark, the Sweep control is too sensitive (posted it to show how much a subtle Sweep change makes).

Well as the previous 2 samples (Sample1 and Sample2) were raw except for hi/lo cut, I EQ'd Sample1 a bit to give it some more balls and volume and less fizz@6k but added some more at 3k haha. It sounds a lot fuller now for a Double-tracked Guitar track. I'd appreciate your thoughts on it if you have the time, or anyone elses if they would like to help a Hack out :)

Cheers. :kickass:


EDIT: Everytime I reamp these Septic tracks I get noise in the 'silent' parts in between mutes. Maybe the DI's had some noise on them. I haven't really noticed when reamping other stuff. Just another thing for me to learn how to deal with. :loco:

Cheers again to Gavin (if you happen to read this) for the hosting. What a cool and convenient service you provide. Thanks dude, much appreciated.:kickass:
Cool. It definately has more fullness to it. It's a bit hard to go back to those initial tracks after hearing how much more suitable the added gain is haha.

I think I've asked you before, do you play in a band or anything? It's a shame to think that such gear is being confined to a room/ closet haha.
Thanks for the feedback Neb. That latest sample is the original "sample1" with the gain at 4 just EQ'd and tarted up. Anyway, I thought I would have a go at the Septic track as a full mix, so here's how the "Sample1" tracks sound tarted up in a mix (a term I am using loosely since this is probably the first real shot I have taken at mixing a full song :heh: )

Anyway, here it is, I killed the toms, but hey I'm n00b. :lol:

As far as being in a band, I can jam with my mate on drums whenever I want and every once in a while the old band we were in at high school get together (we still play the songs we played/wrote 15+ years ago which is funny). My current interest is recording (although I struggle even with decent gear :heh: ) so yeah this gear does get wasted at home I guess more than anywhere else. Well I guess someone is going to buy some pretty pristine gear when I sell it. :lol:

Anyway, enough rambling, here's the track:

http://sneapforum.CeltiaProductions.co.uk/GuitarHack/CabInTheCornerSamples/Septic 29407-01.mp3

Any feedback appreciated, thanks. :kickass: