Cab IRs Home Brew Dynamics


Apr 12, 2012
Hey, I thought I'd share something I've been playing around with.

I've been looking into some approaches to generating some dynamics in cab IR loaders, notable x50 movement, Recabinet dynamics and Revalver IV RIR2 stuff.

I was thinking, what if a split the guitar signal into 3 (< 300 Hz, Mid, > 2000 Hz) and have an expander on the low part and dynamic saturation on the high part, how would that sound? Any good, or just weird?

On the low band I've put ReaXcomp as a full single band, with ratio set to 0.8 to act as an expander to give more movement to the lows.

On the high band, I've got VCC Brit N, and I'm using parameter modulation using the high band volume to adjust the drive knob from min to max. The idea here is to provide saturation on the high end at higher volumes.

In the examples I've posted below, I've got Lecto going into x50 cab (no movement, full length) using a random OwnHammer IR (I can find the exact one if anyone's interested).

First is just straight Lecto-Cab.

This one is splitting the signal between the amp and cab.
This one is splitting the signal after the cab.

I think splitting the signal after the cab really opens it up the stereo image. Part of this is the EQ bump VCC gives (I've been careful not to introduce a volume boost with it), but it also sounds more solid. The highs sounds a bit woozy though, so perhaps I could explore different methods of saturation.

Would be keen to hear what other people think, if you've tried something similar?
IRs are nothing more than eq-curves. The dynamics have to come from the ampsim. Here nothing beats RockRack at the moment imho. Speaker movement isn´t that simple to emulate. If any you just increase the dynamics of the sim by putting expansion on it... my two cents
I cant check the clips atm but i think using the tiniest amount of expansion on the low band is a pretty legit idea. I would be tempted to use ozones multiband and use the blend to tweak it just so. Thanks for sharing the idea.