Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
so there I was going through the unanswered 25+ messages for the Sidelines Rock Live MySpace site (which I am giving a hand with), and what do my eyes behold but a message from the management for the band CAGE posted on Sept 5th but never replied to...

"Hello, I am looking to book a show at SIDE LINE ROCK CAFE on Friday, November 16, 2007 for the internationally acclaimed heavy metal bands CAGE from San Diego, California and VAINGLORY from Atlanta, Georgia..."


so I had to ask myself 'WTF?! - why wasn't I informed of this?!'. Anyway, I immediately called Desert Rock management, who handle not only CAGE and Vainglory, but other notable power/thrash metal acts such as Vicious Rumors, Azrael's Bane, Magistral, Sentinel, Tribuzy, and Neil Turbin's Deathriders, among others! I let them know that I am attempting to support the Atlanta true metal scene as a local/regional promoter. And I was then told that I could very well have a different band travel to Atlanta practically monthly!

what do you all think of that?! :kickass:

Needless to say, it's now too late to bring CAGE to Atlanta three weeks from now. :erk: But I was also informed that they want to re-schedule a show here (and some dates in FLA as well). So watch out for that to happen, as well as possibly more shows with Desert Rock managed bands.


Holy shit, I love Cage...have all their albums (just picked up Hell Destroyer at ProgPower, it rules).

Sucks that you didn't get this show in November, but please do what you can to get these guys to play in ATL soon, as I think they are one of the best American power metal bands going right now. :headbang:
Shhhhh!! You're giving away secrets for Madfest!!! :mad: :lol:
Desert Rock have been asking me to put Cage & Vainglory on the roster.
I told them I will as soon as I get the funding. But since that's up in the air
right, my my vote is HELL YEAH! These bands are going to ROCK live!
amazing I've only seen this band once, much like Benedictum. These two bands are from San Deigo and really never seem to play in so. cal. I am glad that they are getting more recognition and playing EU festivals and more US areas.

Neils band is the same way but at least I run into him here and there and can always call him to see what's new.

Sounds like the plan is all coming together Hoyt~ well except for you know who:p
Shhhhh!! You're giving away secrets for Madfest!!! :mad: :lol:
Desert Rock have been asking me to put Cage & Vainglory on the roster.
I told them I will as soon as I get the funding. But since that's up in the air
right, my my vote is HELL YEAH! These bands are going to ROCK live!

Ahem. I see myspace is not a good way to PESTER you about MF? =)
That's cool Hoyt. Not a big fan of Cage from hearing that track on the sampler, but I like some of the other bands on that list =) And I shouldn't judge a band on one song anyhow.
DAMMIT!!!!!!! :mad: A CAGE show would've kicked ass!!!

Oh well, it's certainly good news that they would like to reschedule (and that they would also like to play for our friends in Florida :kickass:). Glad to know we're finally on somebody's radar screen!

That's quite a roster of bands they have there...I would like to see each and every one of them, Hoyt, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM :lol:

(no pressure)