Caliban - I Am Nemesis


May 1, 2010
Brisbane AU
I have been a fan of these guys for many years now and they are able to keep me interested release after release. Their new album has some really great tracks and as usual their production quality is amazing. I did a quick search and couldn't find anything on who recorded it but it sounds amazing!

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What the hell? This is NOT the Caliban I know and love. I started listening to this band in like 1999 when A Small Boy and a Grey Heaven came out. Now they sound like some shitty Rise records band. Generic breakdown. Generic singy part with some autotune. Just doesn't have the atmosphere and energy I'm used to from them. Vocals are generic. Fucking diminished 5th breakdowns everywhere. Meh. I'll pass.

It's sad because there's a few Caliban records that I LOVE. But methinks they're a bit past their prime and now playing catch up to the current trends.
I really fell in love with this record. I liked their past stuff but this just is so much better imo. And the production might ve the best i've ever heard.

"recorded at Level 3 entertainment studios.
Mixed by
as far as I know they used a 5150, a Mesa OS cab and 2 SM 57. There is also an article in the german "sound&recording" about the recordings. But I don't have it...