Call of Duty: The Thread


Under New Management!
There's few to describe and talk about. The title shows it all! Its a thread dedicated to all those who @ least spend 5 minutes thinking everyday about COD!

In case some of you are too lazy to search info on their own I'll try to provide you with the necessary info surrounding the COD world. This is no promise coz afterall I'm not less lazy than you are! XD
CoD4 single player was really fun. I couldn't really get into the multiplayer too much and ended up trading it in. If I want to play a shooter nowadays its R6 Vegas 2. I seem to spend most of my game time playing racing simulators lately.
I played multiplayer fairly much when cod4 was released, then for some reason I stoped, I started to play it again yesterday and it was fun so I think I will start to play some more from now.
Fuckin' computer games.....

I covet (sin) Your NES!
When I come to Australia, we will throw down on some Mario and Duck Hunt!
Then we will play some pinball. I will bring my Bender doll, so everytime I beat your ass, I can pull the string and you will hear....

Sorry Gaz and The Captain aren't posting enough for me to pick on them :p
Need a new target! You're not really new, just an old target revised! :heh:
Thailmore too! He's my favourite target!
Call of Duty 4 is terrible online. One of my friends got addicted to it and played a 30 hour session at my house one time so I had to throw the disc away so he would stop playing.
Completed single player then wasted a hell of alot of hours on multiplayer until recently because I'm too lazy to buy a new xbox live top up!