Calling all Satanists

Apr 22, 2003
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This message is not meant as a stepping-stone to another 9 page long argument on Satanism's relevance in metal or as a belief system. Just curious to see if there are any other Satanists, self-stylized or Church of Satan, metalheads here.
i used to buy into that, until i realized it was just as hipocritical as all other religions.

satanism preaches that you should follow your own rules but doesnt allow you todo drugs or other mind altering substances. not that im into drugs, i hate the stuff, but its the principal of the matter
If we talk about the classical humanistic definition of satanism as sort of an idea not a religion( Milton, Blake etc.), with the devil being worldly, a rebel, anti idealistic, etc, well then i supposed i would be so inclined. But the actual worship and religion is rather ridiculous in my opinion- not any more so than any other religion, i suppose it has its purpose, someone has to freak out those bible reading christians with just as strange religious practices.
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Satanism would require me to believe that the whole Christian ideology, so no.

What gets me is people who claim not to believe in Christianity and Christian ideology, and also claim to be Satanists. Complete hypocrisy.

Anyway, i'm a practicing Buddhist, though I dont make a point of it.
You said you didn't want a long discussion on satanism, but one may be due as there are those above who believe satanists actually worship the fallen angel Satan from Christian mythology. Which they don't.

actually, satanism isnt exactly devil worship. satan is just a symbol. or atleast thats what la vey said. which is another example of hipocrisy in satanism. you follow your own ideals, but youre doing it cuz la vey said to
Public opinion on Satanism has long been clouded by people's misconceptions, as such is the case is here. As far as being hypocritical, I would say it isn't, gR. LaVey never said "Satan is just a symbol" as in "Only believe in Satan in this way". In fact, he took it a step further and dedicated a chapter in the Satanic Bible to the natural variation in beliefs in the existence of "God" and "Satan" among Satanists.

I guess I follow the stereotype of the Satanist, though, being an atheist by definition, only believing in myself as a god, and seeing Satan simply as a symbol for man's carnal, human nature.
Satanism is futile, in that:

1) Satanism as the worship of Lucifer forces acknowledgement to the Christian system, and the resulting practices become inherently worthless as a result

2) Satanism as a grounded, freedom based ideaology is also pointless, in that it is just another facet in the religious network; most religions preach (*NOTE* please notice the word preach; anyone who retorts with the "Christianity is a slavery system" schtick gets a fuck you and a swift kick in the ass. Focus on the basics here people *END NOTE*) to the freedom of the individual, on some varied level or another. The ability to decide which method will best result in spiritual growth lies in the choice of the person, and not the institution. Thus, Satanism in this sense ends up as little more than a semi-random collection of philosophies, and is just as worthless as its theistic counterpart.