Calling all UFO fans


I have an interview scheduled with Andy Parker this Friday. These are a few questions I have....

How is Pete Way's health these days? And will he participating in the writing of the next studio album?

Jason Bonham stepped in your abscence for a while, what was the reason for your departure from the band?

Who approached you about coming back to UFO? Did you have any second thoughts about coming back to the band?

What's it like playing with Vinnie Moore vs. playing with Michael Schenker or Paul Champman?

UFO will be releasing a SPV Records retrospective that culls material from the three studio albums and the live record. Did the band have any say in the track selection?

How much longer do you see yourself playing music?

Before you guys call it a day, do you envision doing some live shows or perhaps some new material with Schenker?

feedback please....
Any plans for a new album?
Will you tour again in Europe, the US or other places?

Are there any plans for members to work with other people or side projects?
How were the reactions to the last album? And will the next album again be based on a blues feeling like the last one was?
- After the first 2 albums, who was the responsible of changing UFO sound into a more "in your face" hard rock? That decission was previous or after Schenker joining?

- Why did he quit the band in 1983 and moved to L.A.? What did he find in L.A.? A new band or other professional adventures?

- How was your brief experience working with the Nelson twins? Did you see playing "Love and affection" or "After the rain"?

- How do you work together? ´Cause you live in Texas and your band mates some in USA some in UK I guess.

- In the UFO most successful days, it was too much alcohol in the band. Was if difficult touring together? Did you have any problems between members and playing live?

- Lately, you use to play with Barry Sparks or Rob Di Luca on bass. Are there much differences between them? And in relation to your long time mate Pete Way?

- Why did you let the record company releasing the re-edition from "Strangers in the night" with bonus tracks previous to "Natural thing"? That´s a shame! They had to be after the regular record ´cause "Strangers in the night" is perfect in the way it was released originally.

- Michael Schenker has said sometimes that he wasn´t so impressed with "Strangers in the night", at least not so muchas most of people that think that it´s one the best live albums ever. What´s your opinion about "Strangers in the night"?
- Outside UFO, you only recorded with another band: Waysted where you did the "WAysted EP". Why did you stayed so little time with Pete in Waysted?
Why did you let the record company releasing the re-edition from "Strangers in the night" with bonus tracks previous to "Natural thing"? That´s a shame! They had to be after the regular record ´cause "Strangers in the night" is perfect in the way it was released originally.

It was definitely weird to put those bonus tracks first, but one thing to remember is that the order of the original LP was not indicative of their set lists at the time on the Obsession tour. I would say they probably had to tweak the order of the original LP just because they had a finite amount of space on each side of the vinyl record.

Whatever order I hear it it's still one of the best live albums ever...

After the first 2 albums, who was the responsible of changing UFO sound into a more "in your face" hard rock? That decission was previous or after Schenker joining?

I love this question.
You´re right Platinum Maze. The track list from "Strangers in the night" isn´t exactly the set list they used to play that tour. But in the minds of every UFO fan "Strangers in the night" is perfect in the way it was released. Each time I listen "Hello Chicago... Please welcome from England U-F-O" and sounds the main riff from "Natural thing" I can just bang my head!!! :worship::worship:
I'm curious now because I've honestly never heard the original that the intro to the original album (Hello Chicago) or were you referring to the reissue? Because on the reissue before Natural Thing he says something about the "licensing laws" and "apparently we've taken a vote and this is called Natural Thing". Can anyone clarify that for me?
I had both the reissue and the remastered reissue in my iPod, so the other day I reassigned the track order on one of them to the order of the original LP. :grin: (couldn't have done that too long ago!!) There's really no intro before Natural Thing but other than that, I like the way it flows.
Just a quick note. The PR folks screwed up and had Vinnie Moore call in rather than Andy!!!!! Can you imagine how crazy things get when you have about a dozen or so questions for one guy and you get another on the phone?! Luckily I shifted gears and winged an interview with Vinnie. I post a link for you guys in a day or so...
Thanks for your help regardless, I'll archive them and maybe I'll get Andy when they are working their new album....