Calling All Vertically Challenged Headbangers ...


Metal Mistress
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD - USA
About a week ago it came to my attention on the forum through the discussions on the Do's and Don'ts thread that there are a great amount of us who are short in stature and love metal. :headbang:

So to give all of us happy tiny people (who will be banging our heads over the course of the weekend) an opportunity to show their numbers, it was also brought up that this would be a fun idea for a photo opp. (And IMO generally just another great way to make more new friends.)

I considered setting a maximum height to be in the photo, but it's not going to be like we will really have anything with which to measure so we can just say, all those who feel that they fit the requirements of being a member of The Happy Tiny Headbangers Union #666 of ProgPower USA should meet me:

3:30 pm
Upstairs near the ProgPower t-shirts table

(I would respectfully request that you please do not block the table from those who wish to purchase t-shirts, but instead stand off to the side.)

Please feel free to shout out and let us know you will be there. Look forward to meeting more of my metal brothers and sisters who bang their heads and raise the horns even when we have to stand on our toes (or the shoulders of the tall guy in front of us) to see who's on stage. :lol:

PS - I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you to Glenn from all us short folks. We are so appreciative of the fact that you chose a venue for ProgPower that does not have a bad seat in the house no matter what your height. :headbang: I realize that this probably was not the driving factor in your choice of venue, but it is appreciated non-the-less. :kickass:
I'm shorter than average for a guy, but I'm 5'8" so I don't know if I qualify. If I do, I'll probably have to stand in the back. :)

at any rate, I'll be around... ILOOOOOVE short women. :lol:
I would also like to announce a photo session directly following this one, catering to anyone/everyone 6'0 or above. Directly following that will be a photo session featuring people who have seen the movie Gigli. Hope to see everyone there!
Bobbie - I'm only 5' 6", which is short for a guy. So do I qualify? :loco:
5' 6" is certainly short enough to qualify. (I myself am only 5' 2".) Like I said I'm not going to measure anyone, just wanted another crazy reason to gather folks together for fun and a photo opp. :D

I say Short People United should cut Nathan (Swordlord) off at the knees...
Haha! As much as I sympathize with those of us not wanting to be stuck behind the SwordLord (love you Uncle Swordzy!), I have to give him props for his stamina and perseverance. He gets to the bar early and holds his spot. Midget, giant or in between - I give anyone the horns for that kind of dedication to metal. :headbang:
I would also like to announce a photo session directly following this one, catering to anyone/everyone 6'0 or above. Directly following that will be a photo session featuring people who have seen the movie Gigli. Hope to see everyone there!

:cry: I feel soooo left out! I'm not short, but I'm not 6', and I haven't seen Gigli.
At least there's still time for me to modify that last one :tickled:

:lol: kidding, of course....
I'm 5-5 or 5-6. Haven't measured in a while. I'll be there. And to echo off what was mentioned earlier, at most shows I can't see for ANYTHING unless I'm on the rail. Center Stage is definitely the primo concert venue as far as vantage points are concerned.
I'll most likely be wearing a Sonata logo babydoll tee on Saturday, probably my gray denim skirt too. But I guess I try to make a sign or something to hold up so people will know where to go. I'll look like one of those folks picking up people at the airport. :lol: Haha! :lol: :loco: