Its something about micing a cab with 2 amps, maybe lot of you already do it so excuse me
We all know that neat way of getting read of fizz, you take 2 mics place one of them, flip the other, search for a ugliest fiz sound, the flip back, viola.
but, i find it hard to sometimes recognize the annoying frequncies when doing this, things you can hear better with an EQ. like, you record it, and suddeny you hear a nasty ugly peak at 3.5 K.
so,if i know my guitar has an ugly resonance at some frequnecies, or maybe its something to do withf the mic/room/amp/gain whatever.
why not feeding our amp with niose/guitar track BUT keeping ONLY the frequncies we want to get rid of (as narrow as possible of course),
and then with the same technique of 2 mics get rid of those. then when we filp back and record normally we actually got rid of those frequencies.
what do you think?

We all know that neat way of getting read of fizz, you take 2 mics place one of them, flip the other, search for a ugliest fiz sound, the flip back, viola.
but, i find it hard to sometimes recognize the annoying frequncies when doing this, things you can hear better with an EQ. like, you record it, and suddeny you hear a nasty ugly peak at 3.5 K.
so,if i know my guitar has an ugly resonance at some frequnecies, or maybe its something to do withf the mic/room/amp/gain whatever.
why not feeding our amp with niose/guitar track BUT keeping ONLY the frequncies we want to get rid of (as narrow as possible of course),
and then with the same technique of 2 mics get rid of those. then when we filp back and record normally we actually got rid of those frequencies.
what do you think?