can anyone here make an omelette without browning the shit out of it?


Apr 29, 2008
what's the secret? I've read guides on the internet and I still suck at it haha. Maybe I need new gear. lol.
small bit of oil (olive oil - its better for you) into a pan at the max heat and put a plate over it. when you start to see kinda soap bubble looking things on the top and its dried out its done, and it cooks much quicker which saves you leaving the heat on and ending up with an eggy mess in your kitchen

Browning? On an omelette!?
I find the problem with omlettes is that lots of people try to cook the eggsterior and the fixins all at the same time. Onions and peppers and such take waaay longer to heat thoroughly than egg does. Check this video. The pan is only on the heat for 12 seconds. In & out.

I find omlettes come out a lot better if you fire the goodies separately first (cheese excepted), then add them to the egg component at the very end. Also, remember that eggs are suckers for carryover. You want to take them off the heat when they're still a little underdone looking.
1. Use nonstick pan.
2. Evenly butter/grease/oil pan.
3. Use medium flame.
4. Cook anything going inside the omellette thoroughly beforehand.
5. Use a minimum of 3 eggs, whisk well.
6. As soon as the omellete has become completely cohesive on the bottom side, aggravate pan to loosen the omellete.
7. Instead of flipping omellete, use oven's broiler to LIGHTLY brown top.
8. Plate.

Alton Brown ftw!!!