Can Belladonna still sing

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
Hey. I'm a 16 year old kid who has been into(belladonna era) Anthrax for 3 years now. SO naturally, I've got my fuckin ticket for the show in Glasgow :loco: !!!!! Anyway, I never bothered with the live album (the island years) because I heard it was awful mostly because of Joey's vocal performance. Seeing as that was recorded well over 10 years ago,and he was supposedly bad then, do you guys think he'll be able to bust out some of those trademark high screams? Or will he bring evryhting down an octave (he better not!!)

Kind of a stupid Q, just after a general opinion.
When I was in DC two years ago on a field trip, Alex called me at my hotel to invite down to see Blowey Primadonna at a small club outside of DC. I thought, "what the hell," I figured I'd get the 8th graders in their rooms, and grab a cab. 20 minutes later Alex called me back, telling how horrible he sounded, how bad the band was, how there were only like 15 people at the club, and that he had already left, feeling shame and embarrasment for even going to the show. True story.
this one for example :)
then there was a girl saying he had actually given a great performance. So no predictions given. I personally think he´s gonna be a lot worse than Bush, but as I said, you will see and hear for yourself.
Cheers guys. It's ashame really cos i on record his high end screams are what attracted me to anthrax.If he fucks up and cant sing this show it will be awful but thanks anyway
I friend of mine taped him singing the national anthem at a baseball game a few months ago and he sounded awesome (much to my suprise). The announcers even commented on how well he did. Granted that doesn't mean he'll be able to pull off all his old Thrax tunes or anything but it's a good sign. He has kept with it pretty much the whole time he's gone so at least he has been keeping his pipes in shape. Only time will tell for sure though. Personally I'd rather have Bush singing with strep throat then Joey on his best day but that's just me. I'll take Joey over nothing at all though anyday.
yeha bush is cool but I dont think he just has the style of Joey.I think I jsut love my high vocals is all but Bush era Anthrax is exeelent also, just quite differant
Thrash fiend said:
Hey. I'm a 16 year old kid who has been into(belladonna era) Anthrax for 3 years now. SO naturally, I've got my fuckin ticket for the show in Glasgow :loco: !!!!! Anyway, I never bothered with the live album (the island years) because I heard it was awful mostly because of Joey's vocal performance. Seeing as that was recorded well over 10 years ago,and he was supposedly bad then, do you guys think he'll be able to bust out some of those trademark high screams? Or will he bring evryhting down an octave (he better not!!)

Kind of a stupid Q, just after a general opinion.

Glasgow eh?

Kick ass!

Metal Iain'll be there!

Go and see Nuclear Assault in June too!
I saw him last summer and he sounded fine...played drums and sang at the same time. I think he will be on...and I will find out in 5 days.

Ahh, nothing like a 3-shows-in-3-days Anthrax vacation.
last time I saw him my ex was opening for Belladonna and he sounded fine, playing the drums and hitting all the notes. It's funny, but he actually duplicated Charlie's parts for most of it.