Can I get some feedback on my band?

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Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
The song I have as "demo" is a lot better now and potentially my favorite song I've done. Too lazy to put the new one yet. There's also an AIC cover although I will not be the singer for this band I just did that song.

Any advice is appreciated!
Dig it. I liked it when just Twilight Umbrage was rocking up there - that's a great track in it's genesis, I reckon.

Black Gives Way to Blue has some serious vibes to it. Quite gentle, which I like. The flow of the vocals are great too, they add a great deal to the song. I know it's a cover, but it's still great because of it's own merits.

The demo is the foundation of what could be a really good song. Get to work!

I should add, that I'm not a musician, and so my comments might be a little bit on the light side.
Thank you so much man. I was just working on the demo 30 minutes ago. It is 1:30 into completion. I'm putting a pinch of black metal in it, as well as a solo section. It's gonna be very jumpy and different.

But I'm still ever so humble.

Gosh, I wish I had a singer or keyboardist.
lol you still have a keyboardist just send me the tabs of a general idea of what you want and ill work off it, i dont have my "acoustic instruments" rompler keyboard anymore but with all the VST's i have i should be fine.
lol you still have a keyboardist just send me the tabs of a general idea of what you want and ill work off it, i dont have my "acoustic instruments" rompler keyboard anymore but with all the VST's i have i should be fine.

Thanks man I really just want a keyboard of my own. Would the cable be the same as a guitar cable?
I think you should push yourselves a little more in the technical department. I don't mean to change these songs, but for future riffage purposes. If you can play it with your eyes open, you can play it with your eyes closed. Do this challenge for any song and you will see :)

Also, nice cover of Alice In Chains. I love that song :p
I think you should push yourselves a little more in the technical department. I don't mean to change these songs, but for future riffage purposes. If you can play it with your eyes open, you can play it with your eyes closed. Do this challenge for any song and you will see :)

Also, nice cover of Alice In Chains. I love that song :p

I will man. I definitely will. I'm a hell of a technical guitarist and it's going to show really soon.

Hey Dan, I WOULD LOVE if you would sing on my AIC cover? Do you think I could sent it to you like me being Jerry and you do the William parts in the harmony?
Not bad, John. As far as AIC goes, personally, I think the vocals would be better with a bit more inflection. Do you want it to sound similar to the original or do you wanna do something completely different? I'll see if I can find a way to record myself with an acoustic and upload it to youtube or something and post it on here if to show you what I'm talking about.
Actually, on second thought it sounds like you're wanting to go with a droning, more doom-y sound with the vocals. More inflection might be just the opposite of what yer looking for.

I did a quick example on my PC mic using the 60 second voice recorder with an acoustic...sounds like shit, both the acoustic and my voice but it's kinda what I was talking about. I can carry a tune but I'm not a singer, by any stretch of the imagination.
Sorry, but I think the vocals are just way to monotonous for the AIC cover. And not in a good, drone-y way. They're just bland, soulless.

It's the honest, raw emotion Jerry puts into that tune, that makes it so great. He's not the greatest singer ever but he uses phrasing within his limitations. And that's exactly what your version is lacking IMHO. The doubling of the vocals brings that aspect even more upfront.

Maybe you should have tried tuning down to something that fits your range better, because your voice itself isn't bad. It's the lack of phrasing and melodic curve that makes it so slumberous.

Well, you're obviously not a singer first and it's quite a ballsy move to cover such an emotional song, so hats off for that (just alone for the fact that your not waaaaay of as far as note choice goes)!

And please don't view my criticism as a personal attack, I really only mean to help with constructive criticism.