Can I please get some opinions on this mix...


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
Hey all, - Superior Mix.mp3

This is a song I uploaded a while back. I've remixed it slightly now. The song will eventually become a Tacoma track... but this version is the one I originally wrote, and I've been using it for mix-practice.

Comments, advice, etc... much appreciated!

I guess this mixing style is inspired by what I've been listening to lately - which is a lot of Mastodon, Periphery, Limp Bizkit, and Proghma-C.

Drums were played on a TD-9 kit, then quantized only slightly to tighten it up in a few key areas. Wanted to keep the humanism from my playing. Guitars are Podfarm, bass is our bassist and his sansamp bass driver.
I liked it, it reminded me of "Tusk" by Fleetwood Mac except with heavy guitars !!!

I enjoyed most things about your song with the possible exception
of the snare which has a sound like "dock" instead of "smack".