can i plug my guitar to my soundblaster live front bay interface


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
hello, this is my 1st post on here.

I have the basic programs needed to record (cubase amplitube vst ir signals etc)

it has never crossed my mind if what ive been doing is right or not but it has somewhat worked until i read about preamps.

i bought a soundcard+soundblaster interface combo while back. My interface looks a bit like this

I noticed that when people record the rough guitar WAV is clean. Then mixed with guitar plug VSTs

What i do:

Guitar> Guitar cable connects to LINE IN/MIC 2 of my soundblaster interface> I set my recording devices to LINE IN/mic 2 (btw i did download asio4all) i put the volume mid way other wise its too hummy and loud> I open CUBASE and simply record in stereo or mono.

Thats all i do. IS what im doing correct? should i set it up to record "what you hear" instead of line in should i just connect my fender guitar amp set it on clean mode plug it to my soundblaster interface to get a better sound?

or should i invest in one of these direct input converters?
You should buy a real interface with an instrument input or an interface and a nice direct box. The impedance of a line input is too low (10k ohms) and you need around 100k+ for guitars. I'm also guessing this interface has no preamp, also something else you need.

You can pick up a decent 2 channel interface and DI for $300 or less (maudio fast track pro and countryman type 85 are good starters). You can save quite a bit of money if you buy used. Good luck. Read the stickies (more so in the equipment subforum), search, and there is a wealth of information at your disposal.
Reminds me of my early years when I'd just plug Guitar -> 1/4" to 1/8" adapter -> Comp Line In for using amp sims and even before that when I ran out of my Preamp Out straight into my Line In with no impulses or anything (before I even KNEW about impulses)....ahhh yeah. and I thought my mixes were starting to sound awesome.....*shakes head* if I go back now and heard something by me from like...4 years ago... it'd be a clipping mess.

But yeah, get a real interface. I have a M-Audio Fast Track Pro that I might be willing to sell if you are in the states.