Can Podfarm metal shop be....


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
Transferred from one computer to another using usb?

Unfortunately I'm not allowed to record real amps due to noise so I have to use Podfarm (n). I've been told the metalshop pack is good so I'm thinking about getting it.

The only problem the computer I use for mixing isn't connected to the internet and has no anti-virus software.

Can I transfer the Metalshop pack via usb from my living room computer to the computer I use for mixing via usb? (Possibly irrelevant but my Podfarm isn't the I-lok version I use a ux2.) Can't find anything on the internet helpfull (N).
I'm sure you can just download the install file to your flashdrive and then load it on the other computer. Line 6 has to have some sort of offline-authorization.
Thanks a lot guys, unfortunately I wasn't able to so I had to connect my other computer to the internet and install avast and then do it haha.

PodFarm 2.55 glitches really badly in cubase. All the graphics are wrong (N). Think I'm gonna have to just re-amp in college haha.