Can this be the Spiral Architect Forum Too?

asgeir said:
You will be surprised how much you can achieve if you cut down TV watching, sleep and general bullshit to a minimum! I'm not going to spend my life on the sofa.

- Asgeir
This is one of the reason I dont have a TV. I think watching TV is a waste of time.
And I also know that 1 day in Norge is 24 hours plus the night :-)
asgeir, what is the status of the spiral architect Tab book that is going to be materialized. Is it done and waiting for a publisher or nonat all.Also , i was wondering what the crowd reaction was to you live shows, Where you cheered or boo'ed. I know when Cynic toured with cannible corpse they were not welcomed at all.
Flen flyys said:
asgeir, what is the status of the spiral architect Tab book that is going to be materialized. Is it done and waiting for a publisher or nonat all.Also , i was wondering what the crowd reaction was to you live shows, Where you cheered or boo'ed. I know when Cynic toured with cannible corpse they were not welcomed at all.

The tab book is sold out... No, seriously, we never said we were going to make a tab book. We are going to put up tabs for some of the songs on our website though. You'll probably have to wait a couple more years...

The crowd reaction was always good. The world was more ready for tech metal in 2000 than in, say, 1995. People booing at Cynic should be sent to Iraq with a big neon sign pointing at them with the big letters "I LOVE BUSH".

- Asgeir
I got my copy of Cynic's Focus (remastered + Bonus tracks) today in the mail. Great remaster , everything is crisper and can hear the bass much better. Plus it comes with 2004 remixes of Veil of maya, Im but a wave too and How could ; plus 3 portal demos. All you Tech-metal Heads must get this, i got my at cduniverse.
Flen flyys said:
I got my copy of Cynic's Focus (remastered + Bonus tracks) today in the mail. Great remaster , everything is crisper and can hear the bass much better. Plus it comes with 2004 remixes of Veil of maya, Im but a wave too and How could ; plus 3 portal demos. All you Tech-metal Heads must get this, i got my at cduniverse.
Thanx for the info, I was not aware of the fact that Focus is reissued. Is it still by Roadrunner? And what are the remixes like?
I wonder though, why they put Portal demos on it instead of the 3 song '91 demo. Id like to have them in CD quality, because that 3 song is the shit. And I only have them in mp3 :-(
Its releasesd by roadrunner with a special slipcase to go along with it as well as new artwork, pictures and linear notes. I wished they released there demo on the cd, but hopefully it can be added to the upcoming DvD that they will release.
asgeir, i never knew you knew how to play bass!!! Will you be handling the bass duties for the new Spiral Architect album as well?
Flen flyys said:
asgeir, i never knew you knew how to play bass!!! Will you be handling the bass duties for the new Spiral Architect album as well?
:Spin: Yeah, Asgeir did a great job on the bass on Epic, but (no offense) he's no Lars K. Norberg. Unless for some reason Norberg has left, I think he will be doing the bass.
wow, 6-7 years is a long time , what made you swictch to drums , and how long have you been playing when you recorder A sceptics universe. I agree Lars is one of the most amazing bass players around , i kind of wish of him to exploit his talents more, rather than playing live with satyricon , he to talented.
I couldn't find any drummers where I was living - only guitarists, so I switched. I had also come to a point where I had to rehearse a lot to get better on the guitar - and I just hate rehearsing! It was more fun playing drums than guitar so the switch was easy. I picked up the guitar again 2 years ago and I'm half way through writing an extreme/thrash metal album and a doom metal album. I had owned a drum kit for about 10 years when I recorded the SA-album, but like my situation as of today I can take pauses for an entire year (or two...) without playing the drums. The last couple of years before recording the album was pretty intense though with band rehearsals 3-5 days a week. It takes time writing a tech metal album... Lars K.N. will do some session stuff with me next year!

- Asgeir
Flen flyys said:
I agree Lars is one of the most amazing bass players around , i kind of wish of him to exploit his talents more, rather than playing live with satyricon , he to talented.

Agree, although I must say thanks to him (and the other "live only" musicians) Satyricon is one of the rare black metal bands that sounds better live than they do on their recordings! Or at least they did the one time I saw them.

Is your signature an honest question? I'd be happy to answer it if it is.... :err:

oh and hi all, btw. Long-time lurker, never registered or posted 'til now. :wave:
MY friend and I were having an argument. we were wondering if larks k norberg uses a fretless or a freeted bass. HE has seen pictures of him using a fretted, but im thinking his playing on sceptic universe is totally fretless. Asgeir can u answer this for us.
Leper_/-\ffinity said:
Cool story man...I'd love to pick up drums...since Im a guitar player, and nowadays the only thing that interests me is songwriting.

that is EXACTLY how i feel. i've been playing guitar for 9 years and i'm bored of just trying to improve as a player so all i've been doing is songwriting...and i want to pick up the drums.