Can we toss B. Hussein and let Keyes be our first black prez?

Almost half a million views since February 20? Sheaatttt!!

I've always liked Alan Keyes, though I think he's far more handsome with the beard. Without it, he looks a tad like "Beetle juice" from the Howard Stern Show.


How about someone not black? I mean, people of African descent don't really have much of a successful country leadership background do they? While I am trying to think of any black leaders running countries I can't think of anything really outside of Africa..and we all know how that continent just flourishes.

Keyes is too white. He needs to get down and dirty doing some community organizing to bump his black street cred first.
How about someone not black? I mean, people of African descent don't really have much of a successful country leadership background do they? While I am trying to think of any black leaders running countries I can't think of anything really outside of Africa..and we all know how that continent just flourishes.

Keyes is too white. He needs to get down and dirty doing some community organizing to bump his black street cred first.

I thought Clinton was our first black president.

yeah... that's what they said, but poor Slick Willie was summarily DISMISSED when his wife challenged somebody with more melanocytes.
Yes, Alan Keyes for president and Lyndon Larouche for VP. They can run on the "Holy Shit We Are Fucking Insane" Ticket.