Senate announcement and first webcast announced!


Jul 28, 2002
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Hey all, we’re stoked to give you the official news regarding the EP! Set to drop this summer, this demonic precursor to the full-length will be titled ‘In The Kingdom Of Gods’ and will contain 4 new tunes, “Grailblazer”, “The Whore”, “Gods And Alcoholics” and “Sympathy For The Insects”…here’s the sick cover art!!!


Soon we’ll be heading to 40West studio in Montreal to track the drums, and we’re tentatively due in June at Silo studios in Hamilton to track and mix the rest with Julius “Juice” Butty (Protest The Hero, Alexisonfire). We have 9 new tunes for the full-length, which may expand to 10 or 11 depending on how and when we wrap up the writing process, and we hope to have the new full-length out in the first half of 2010.

And FINALLY behold our badass new Myspace layout!!! We’re now streaming our entire debut album “The Great Northern Scenekill” for y’all to check out, and we’ll post the new tunes as well as some summer concert daters in the coming weeks.


Cover artwork and logo design by Tim Boughton
Myspace layout by Fourward Media Group

Make sure to check out the webcast below: