can you help me check this DI quality?


Aug 2, 2011
Just wanted to check what my focusrite di worths. i still dont own a reamp box so i am unable to check it,, i curious how it sounds to your ears.
it was tracked with a jakcson dk2m with passive stock pickups, seymur duncans.. it seems a little boomy. also strings are like 3 - 4 weeks old.

what do you think?
i dont have any proper way to reamp yet. but i wanted to know if i will have to buy another DI also, or if this one is good enough
sounds ok. depends on the sound you are after. test with an amp sim maybe.
well i am a bit confused because the di input actually has gain in it.. i can turn the know to get more gain.. hows that a di then?
I think it's recorded too hot, turn the input volume down. Also record guitars in mono, since a guitar output is single channel anyway.
it was recorded mono.. i must have bounced it to stereo while exporting hehe. I will try loweing the input! thanks.. is there any db level i shall aim to when tracking? or is it just because it sounds too amplified?