Lil' DI-Shootout for you all


Jul 27, 2005
Hey there,


since there seem to be some issues with, i uploaded all the files to dropbox :) Tracks/DI 1.wav Tracks/DI 2.wav Tracks/DI 3.wav Tracks/DI 4.wav


title says it all, i decided to record some stuff with my new gear and thought i could as well post it here ;)

well, this was mainly about comparing all the different DI/instrument in possibilities i have right now.

Items used:
radial pro 48 active DI
profire 610 instrument in
studio projects VTB-1 instrument in

i also recorded the same riff going straight into the amp in order to show how that would differ from going the reamp-route.

sorry, the tone isn't the single greatest one - this was actually my first time micing a cab EVER, so please bear with me.
in retrospective i should have used way less bass, but it's kinda hard to judge for a first-timer when you're in front of a blasting cab trying to position the mic with cans :D
there's zero post-processing going on btw, just the raw miced tone, double tracked and panned hard L/R.

i used the radial pro RMP for reamping, and other than that it was engl fireball-framus 212cs cab-single sm57-profire 610 mic pre.

btw, i only purchased the radial DI for this shootout, and if it doesn't stack up to the other units i'll return it.

right now i have my order of preferences, but i'm way curious what you guys think.

also, please check out my other thread here in the gear section, as i had trouble with the reamping due to the DI tracks being too quiet, resulting in an undergained sound. i worked around this by boosting the channel volume in reaper to +21,6, which seems to be waaay over the top imho.
DI tracks were recorded and level matched so that they all peak roughly at -6dbfs (maybe that's just too quiet?).

well, here you go:

the files are labeley DI 1-4, the DI.wav is a raw di for my other troubleshoot-thread :)

enjoy! and please comment :)
99% of the guys on this forum are only interested in Pod Farm settings, AD and S2.0 presets and the best way to pitch shift a guitar down to simulate a bass track.

I'm at work right now but I'll give these a listen tonight and give you my impressions! To be fair though all these shootouts have proved to me is that my ear is awful because everything always ends up sounding the same to me :lol:
99% of the guys on this forum are only interested in Pod Farm settings, AD and S2.0 presets and the best way to pitch shift a guitar down to simulate a bass track.

ouch that hurts..........


having never owned or used pod farm, AD, S2.0, and never having pitch shifted a guitar to simulate bass, i feel like i'm a member of an elite club :p
99% of the guys on this forum are only interested in Pod Farm settings, AD and S2.0 presets and the best way to pitch shift a guitar down to simulate a bass track.

In fact if I post a real amp recording, generally it receives 4-5 replies...if you write pod/soloC/8505 on the thread's name, the thread remain on the top of the page for 2 weeks.
alright, thank you all for the answers!

well, to keep this thing interesting i'll go and reveal which was which.

1: radial pro 48 active DI
2: profire 610 Hi-Z in
3: no DI, straight off guitar -> amp
4: studio projects VTB1 Hi-Z in

i agree with you guys that the radial definitely sounded worst out of the bunch, huge letdown considering i bought this to UPGRADE from my other "DI's"....guess i'll just return it. too my ears, it's lacking highs and overall definition...

the studio projects and the "real deal" are actually quite similar imho...the vtb sounded slightly harsher, whereas bypassing the reamping stage altogether sounded just a tad more in your face overall.

but my personal favorite was actually the profire DI....while the real deal is still a tad more in your face, the profire 610 seemed to have an ever so slight roll of in the lower midrange that clears it up just a tad more than the others - it sounded tightest and most aggressive to me.
I recording di using my fireface inst/line input with really good results, and then reamp with my cuniberti, it sound always good.
Number 2 sounds clearly different from the others. not in a bad way, seems to have a lot less lows.

but, 4 sounds closest to nr.3 which is the guitar straight to the amp.

and that's the best DI for me.
@ Fragle: Could you share your Pod Farm Settings?!

... :lol: sorry! Couldn't resist after reading AdamWathan's post!

Back to Topic: I'd also say #4 sounds best. Nice song selection btw! :rock: