CANADA - "The Land of Snow and Ice"

Shamus said:
I hear that Canada is just a bleak icy wasteland in perpetual nightfall, dotted by small igloo settlements where the people live in constant fear of polar bear raiding parties.

Nah thats manitoba.
GodAm said:
Most of the time Canadians are trying to gain their own image by claiming that they are not Americans, which I believe is not meant to be taken negatively. Either way that is not how the country should be thought of, someone should write an angry yet firm letter to someone (oh how Canadian is that?) The article is right though, this change has to begin here within Canada.

it is the age old problem of identity. We don't know who we are, so some cling to the stereotypes which make us comfortable. Diversity can be a great thing though, the different experiences could help with getting rid of those tired stereotypes.

I can only speak for myself as a Canadian but I most certainly know who I am and I have no need or desire to build an identity through the lense and scope of American culture and history. I do come from a land that is vast and filled with nature and love to go camping. If people want to call it a stereotype I am fine with that but the simple truth is that it's where we come from and a part of us and I refuse to deny that.
Arcane Son said:
I can only speak for myself as a Canadian but I most certainly know who I am and I have no need or desire to build an identity through the lense and scope of American culture and history. I do come from a land that is vast and filled with nature and love to go camping. If people want to call it a stereotype I am fine with that but the simple truth is that it's where we come from and a part of us and I refuse to deny that.
here here.*bangs judges hammer* nothing better than going out in to the woods and just relaxing and camping it out for a week or more. i don't get to go camping much but i hike or bike ride alot on the weekends out on the back trails.
Hey, I'm going to run out and get some McDonalds before I take my SUV over to the shop to get new springs on it. They're sagging a bit under my massive weight.

But in all seriousness...

I'd move to Canada in an instant to get away from all the fucking nutballs. Not to mention, Colorado has a huge amount of fucking hippies and I HATE god damn hippies. But it's not just solid hippies, they've been breeding with the yuppies, so you get this strange hippie/yuppie hybrid who wants to on a hike with their trailmix and friggin' weird-ass protien shakes they brew up.

Plus, the US is going down hill at the moment. I can't take this religious awakening anymore. I can't wait until it dies out.

Also, I'd move to Australia in an instant. Fucking AWESOME cars down there. Ford Falcon GT-P, oh hell yes.

One last thing, Colorado has no metal following and I can't stand that. Walk around all day in any city in Colorado and the most "metal" shirt or such you'll see is Slipknot... yay.

Yeah, as a Canadian living in New York state, I can really feel the difference. Most people here are really cold and kind of...contemptuous until you get to know them. In NY state if you hold a door for someone, they don't say a word, and will let the next door slam in your face. In Canada, at least in New Brunswick, you hold a door for someone, and most times it goes: "Hey, thanks a lot!" "Oh no problem at all!" "Great weather we've been having, eh?" "Oh it's been beautiful! Have yourself a good one!" "Thanks! You too!"

And they listen to shitty music here too...:(
I understand where you are coming from Arcane. I think if you want to refer to camping as a stereotype that is fantastic. If anything Canadians need to explore their own country before travelling abroad. I was referring to the more tired stereotypes of Canadians like hockey, beer, and back bacon, the kinds which get you made fun of.

When referring to the identity as not being American that one is a little bit tougher to defend. I am glad you don't feel you have to validate yourself based on the 'elephant' living next door. Personally from my own experiences some Canadians do identify themselves as being not American. This reminds me of those Molson Canadian commercials with "JOE" the average Canadian in them...a chesterfield is a couch.
People who go to Quebec City usually come back pissed because no one speaks english there :erk:

Harrrr, we do want to show our own identity, but at the same time we should conform to the rest of North America? What the fuck are we supposed to do?

I don't want to start debates here, they usually get ugly (especially for me)
The inquisitor said:
You picked a good country to live as a metalhead, You guys are getting allot of show's your way.
Ah well, I didn't pick anything. :) I guess it's fate that makes I was born and raised on this small piece of earth called Flanders. I could have done worse, that much is true, even if people out here aren't exactly patriotic. (The extremists left aside, but then they're not exactly a great reference either IMHO.)

As for the shows, I don't go to quite as many gigs as I used to. Although I did check out the Mourning Beloveth / Moonsorrow / Primordial concert last week. It was good to see them Irish lads again. (And the Finns weren't half bad either, I might add. Damn!)
Canada's a great place. I was in Windsor for 2 years for my undergrad studies. People are nice and friendly. Was in the same course with David Gold. How's things Dave??! Its been an incredible experience. Would want to return there someday!

Jun Wong
I like canada, they make good TV. Anyone heard of Due South? Haha... And Kids in the Hall are pretty good. Another show is Slings and Arrows. Yeah... Canadian TV is better then american TV.
I was in Vancouver about 12 years ago, I have quite a few relatives in B.C.
Ever since then, I´ve had a dream about flying to eastern Canada, buying a car and driving across the country. With a stop in WoY-territory, ofcourse. :)
Filmed only about 20 mins away from my house! ( But no I don't live in a trailer park hah ) The Trailer Park Boys movie is doing well too.

It's funny I see the guys from it all the time, Julian has the nicest cars in all of Dartmouth.

:lol: Does Ricky drive around Dartmouth in the "shitmobile"?

Honestly, though, what kind of cars does Julian drive?
Well, I've seen him driving his Saleen many times, similar to the gt mustangs ( There aren't many in Canada as far as I know, let alone in the maritimes, so you know it when hes driving hah ), and a few classic old muscle cars. It's cool because they always shot their videos locally so its really common to see them around, I've watched them film numerous times, its cool that its become so popular and recognized now.