Canadian Dollar Passes US Dollar

Basing this off of no prior information, but I'm gonna go with, my country's military still owns your military.

In my mind, military strength = penis size. Think about it.

Then there's China, a paradox.
you are fucking stupid. Both russia and china are militarily strong, yet if the US and EU stop selling food and other goods to them millions of them are gonna die. Yes, they both have enough nukes to destroy the solar system

Anybody got the picture of Steve Smyth with the black guy? I've got an idear.
you are gayer than freddy mercury

Yeah, with our huge penis.
people like you make the US look bad. The most patriotic thing you could do is killing yourself
Ouch, that first one only helped my arguement, second one showed you as a homophobe, and the third a blind patriot. Add that to being a coward, and I don't know what you have.
Hey, no low blows to Freddy Mercury's homosexuality. That guy was awesome.
Today I spent 71 euros to fill up my car with fuel...diesel fuel at that. That's roughly $100 for a full tank of gas.

Fuck you and your whining about high gas prices.

Fuck you.

(That wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just the average American whining about gas prices, btw)
I drive an SUV, and it takes about half that much money to fill it up... but I still bitch about it.

Anyways, its nice having the dollar on par. Ive bought so much on ebay lately, its great.
I'm payin' 89.9 cents to a liter right now... which I believe works out to $3.40 a gallon.

Usually costs me about $45 to fill my Jeep.
Luckily, I don't drive (no license).

I think I may actually be saving money by taking cabs everywhere, if I don't use the subway
A tank of gas usually lasts me quite a while... But I only get 13 mpg, so I don't drive around very much. I walk most of the time.
I also walk a lot. Unless the weather is terrible, I don't mind it at all.
Sometimes, I really enjoy it actually
Today I spent 71 euros to fill up my car with fuel...diesel fuel at that. That's roughly $100 for a full tank of gas.

Fuck you and your whining about high gas prices.

Fuck you.

(That wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just the average American whining about gas prices, btw)

With 71 € I get slightly more than half the tank full. I tried once to make it full, I stopped at 85 € because I ran out of money. We would celebrate the prices some Americans are bitching about.
Today I spent 71 euros to fill up my car with fuel...diesel fuel at that. That's roughly $100 for a full tank of gas.

Fuck you and your whining about high gas prices.

Fuck you.

(That wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just the average American whining about gas prices, btw)

i wish gas was that expensive in the south of the united states. redneck faggots would then stop driving big suvs by themselves when thet don't need to.
Burti has once again displayed his capacity for mental prowess. And we have a big SUV problem here in MA. There are tons of the things, yet no mountains...welfare gives people in the projects enough to own SUVs.