canadian man goes mental and beheads and mutilates man sleeping next to him on bus

I wasn't saying to be sensitive, just a little more depth is all I ask for. There are many types of mental illness, and this guy likely fits the more psychopathic range of illness than other ones such as depression or meglomania. Of course less severe illnesses (I mean severe in their manifestation) can lead to higher psychosis if left unchecked.
I wasn't saying to be sensitive, just a little more depth is all I ask for. There are many types of mental illness, and this guy likely fits the more psychopathic range of illness than other ones such as depression or meglomania. Of course less severe illnesses (I mean severe in their manifestation) can lead to higher psychosis if left unchecked.

That's nice.

The layman's term for a guy with enough psychoses to cut the head off a fellow bus passenger, eat parts of him, and keep various parts in a ziplock bag in his pocket is "batshit crazy".
ya know, Im not fucking Rambo here... but if I see some dude just jump up and start stabbing some other dude for no reason, I'd like to think I might be inclined to grab something myself and smash his fucking head in from behind....

And entire BUS FULL of people just runs away. That was my problem with box cutters on a fucking plane, too, but, I wont get so much into that.
ya know, Im not fucking Rambo here... but if I see some dude just jump up and start stabbing some other dude for no reason, I'd like to think I might be inclined to grab something myself and smash his fucking head in from behind....

And entire BUS FULL of people just runs away. That was my problem with box cutters on a fucking plane, too, but, I wont get so much into that.

No shit right?? Are people really such pussies???
Yeah, well. Of course we all would like to do that, but actually seeing a random dude cutting off an innocent bystander's head and eat his bodyparts all of a sudden in a fairly safe environment, I think quite a few of us would be in such a state of shock that no ninja action would come in mind at first. Mind is a crooked thing, and it's different to see such abomination than a random drunken idiot slapping a girl in front of a bar.
I think so, man... its just unreal to keep hearing about shit like this... where NOBODY even tries to do SHIT.

I mean you can grab some chick's purse or something.. those things are fuckin heavy sometimes... and smash the dude in the back of the skull... or take yer belt and strangle the rat bastard from behind. etc etc. in fact, we should brainstorm some more ideas here about how to fucking rock someone in a situation like this
Yeah, well. Of course we all would like to do that, but actually seeing a random dude cutting off an innocent bystander's head and eat his bodyparts all of a sudden in a fairly safe environment, I think quite a few of us would be in such a state of shock that no ninja action would come in mind at first. Mind is a crooked thing, and it's different to see such abomination than a random drunken idiot slapping a girl in front of a bar.

unless he had a light saber, cutting his head off would take a second... meaning people had to give him that kind of time to start doing that grotesque shit. If at the onset of the initial stabbing, two dudes just started clubbing the shit out of him... maybe the kid just gets stabbed and actually lives...
It's simple.
Jason Bourne shit. As long as it's not a gun your fine, Take yer belt off and swing it around like a lasso the buckle will do some damage and once he or she is distracted by the belt, a gang of people can EASILY subdue even a huge psycho.
If someone slapped your girl would you stand there and be like "Oh snap" I sure hope not. It's a similar principle.. and if you think otherwise than there is something wrong with you.
It's simple.
Jason Bourne shit. As long as it's not a gun your fine, Take yer belt off and swing it around like a lasso the buckle will do some damage and once he or she is distracted by the belt, a gang of people can EASILY subdue even a huge psycho.
If someone slapped your girl would you stand there and be like "Oh snap" I sure hope not. It's a similar principle.. and if you think otherwise than there is something wrong with you.

You completely missed the point here. I have absolutely no problem jumping on the usual crackhead that gets violent after a bar night etc. Those situations are hard to avoid, and when something like that happens, I don't hesitate to get in there. That's not a shocking situation if you've seen even a little of the life outside your apartment. A bloke eating off someones entrails is.

And taking of your belt and swinging it like a lasso? Uh, what? :) Unless you're Indiana Jones, you're much better off just pounding the offender with your fists, for chrissakes :)
We'll see how well you do with your fists on a crowded bus with someone with a knife. Have you ever been in a situation like that??
I can guarantee you you wouldn't respond like you think. Why let someone have the upper hand when there are weapons to be made out of anything. I'd rather look silly and come out unscathed than try to play it up like I'm some badass and get seriously injured or worse.
And the belt trick works.... it's been deployed before.
I didn't mean for this to come out super angry and directed at you... I'm sort of in a freakout mood anyway.
Okay buddy

We'll see how well you do with your fists on a crowded bus with someone with a knife. Have you ever been in a situation like that??
I can guarantee you you wouldn't respond like you think. Why let someone have the upper hand when there are weapons to be made out of anything. I'd rather look silly and come out unscathed than try to play it up like I'm some badass and get seriously injured or worse.


If you read my posts carefully, I stated the following: IMO most of us - including me - would be in such a shock they couldn't do anything at all in a situation like the bus menace described. I said it's a lot different from your normal drunken-ape-beating-someone-up -scenario, in which most of us would have no problem taking action. I never said I think I would get in a brawl the moment I see a flesh eating psychopath in a public transportation vehicle. In addition, I made a note about unconvenient using a belt as a whip in a crowded bus would be. I did NOT state I would start handing out karate like one of the Turtles or something.

Let's not let this get personal. These are just my opinions based on stuff I have seen and situations I have been in myself. And I most certainly haven't seen anything as brutal or unexpected as the bus incident.

If you read my posts carefully, I stated the following: IMO most of us - including me - would be in such a shock they couldn't do anything at all in a situation like the bus menace described. I said it's a lot different from your normal drunken-ape-beating-someone-up -scenario, in which most of us would have no problem taking action. I never said I think I would get in a brawl the moment I see a flesh eating psychopath in a public transportation vehicle. In addition, I made a note about unconvenient using a belt as a whip in a crowded bus would be. I did NOT state I would start handing out karate like one of the Turtles or something.

Let's not let this get personal. These are just my opinions based on stuff I have seen and situations I have been in myself. And I most certainly haven't seen anything as brutal or unexpected as the bus incident.

I'm aware of that and I just know how I would act based on my experiences with this type of shit. I'm not making anything really personal. I just take random acts of bullshit with ample people on stand by literally standing by to be kind of disgusting, like some ancient Rome shit.
I just doubt EVERYONE there (or any situation like this) would be in the same state of mind for the exact duration of the incident. All it takes is one person to act and more people will follow...
I have never seen anyone chop off a head but I've seen some fucked up shit. I have had friends get some fucked up shit done to them and it's all supremely lame.

sorry for the freakout ; )
still, like I said... to decap someone with a knife is no instant fucking move. Unless the guy rolled correctly for a critical strike.

You need an axe or a light sabre or a chainsaw or something super menacing to just decap a head in one fell swoop. So the dude would have to do some carving... and that takes time. Time that could be used beating him senseless
If someone was trying to pick a fight with someone randomly, I'd step in.

If someone was harrassing a girl, I'd tell him to shut the fuck up.

If someone was trying to rob someone, I'd beat his ass. Or at least try to.

If someone randomly grabbed a knife, stabed someone several times and then started cutting his fuck head off, I would run. As fast as I could.

Becuse you can't fight that. You can't fight a person with absolutely no inhibitions and who is just insane. But that does depend alot on the situation, hell I wasn't there so I'm not gonna say anything about it. Pretty fucked up though.. But you can't let shit like this get to you, or stop you from living your life. Things like this happen, and it's probably never going to happen to you or anyone you know. But still...
Yeah, it's easy to say you would have done something in that situation but bear in mind that you most likely will never ever see something that fucked up in your entire life and you truly don't know how you'd react. We would all like to think that we would do something but that may not be the case. I know it's really unfortunate that no one was able to stop the guy but he was obviously really sick and out of his mind to be cutting off someones head so realistically thinking .. would YOU step up and be the first person to throw or hit him with anything? turning his immediate attention to you? the fucking guy has a rambo knife and he's fucked up.. who's to say he won't throw the knife at you or something. I think single file onslaught in a narrow bus aisle would have been even more of a disaster with certainly a few more fatalities.

but anyways none of us can even really comprehend how horrible that situation must have been. My heart goes out to the poor guys family .. I'm a year younger than him and I have been on that exact same greyhound bus route MANY times, sleeping with my headphones on.

Oh and I read in the toronto star that the bus driver, a passenger and a truck driver (who stopped when he saw everyone running off the bus) did try to do something about this guy while he was stabbing the kid. Apparently the man rushed them with the knife and they ran off the bus and closed the door on his arm as he tried to slash them.

- Ross
who cares? he's clearly a pussy.

and Ive seen some pretty fucked up things... this shit wouldnt surprise me that much. ride NYC subways for years