canadian man goes mental and beheads and mutilates man sleeping next to him on bus

I don't disagree that raising a family on a low income is stressful, but if that was the root of random killings, we'd see a whole lot more of it. It may have been the catalyst that pushed him over the edge, but most people who go over the edge don't go on a cannibalistic rampage.

+1 nature vs. nurture. can`t say this kinda stuff has never went through my mind. but to go through with it is pretty nuts. this guy obviously had a pretty fucked life. seemed pretty creepy that his coworkers never knew he had a family. he was probably a freak for a long time before this shit happened
Anyway does Canada have the death sentence?

No. But we should. People like this need to be disposed of.

Why should I have to pay taxes to feed and pay for a bed in a penitentiary for this motherfucker? Sick people like this are nothing more than a burden on society. In order for someone to be fucked up enough to do what this man has done they cannot be helped or ever go back to lead a normal life and function acceptably.

When I think about people being 'beheaded' I think of the giant blade of a guillotine, a sword or an axe. There were reasons that in classic executions they did not use a fucking knife to complete the task. I imagine the actual 'execution' methods of beheading were done in those manners to provide the guilty some manner of a somewhat quick and painless death. They also seem to be methods that require extreme amounts of force to perform leading me to believe that it's not very easy to just cut someones head off with a knife. The victim must have experienced one of the most painful deaths imaginable.

This solidifies that this killer is an absolute psychopath and he deserves the most brutal of punishment and treatment.

And in response to the talk about using a firearm to take this piece of shit down , I would have unloaded the entire clip into him if I had a gun on my person. I would not be able to control that reaction. I think many people would if they had a gun in that situation. The reason nobody did is because as far as I know in Canada we are not allowed to carry firearms concealed or otherwise without being some type of enforcement officer.
I think the death sentence is too easy for this guy.. but I also think scum like him shouldnt be in prison on our tax dollar too

I say hand him over to the victims family and let them have at him
I think the death sentence is too easy for this guy.. but I also think scum like him shouldnt be in prison on our tax dollar too

I say hand him over to the victims family and let them have at him

I think thats a very simplistic and (no offense ment) childish way to look at it. I don't mean just at you personally, I mean everyone who has expressed similar views in this thread.

I mean come on? "Hand him over to the victims family"?

But anyway, things aren't always as easy as one might make them. How can you punish someone who barely knows what he did? How does killing someone make any bit of differance? I do understand the point that these people should not be "wasting tax money", but killing him doesn't make anything different.

Closure for the family? I'm pretty sure that the family doesn't give a fuck about that guy. He is just some lunatic. It could have been anyone. If he dies or lives in a insanse asylum forever, I don't think it would really matter to them. What I think they do care about though is that their loved one is dead, and they are probably completely devastated. And that is going to haunt them for the rest of their lives. Not what happens to that guy. As I said, killing him won't change anything.

He has already said it himself that he wants to die. He has already given up.
He is probably extremely remorseful as well. I mean this wasn't an act of evil. It's not planned out malevolance, or some sinister scheme to enjoy the pain of someone else. As made apparent by the extremely gruesome nature of his act, it was an act of insanity. He did this gruesome thing, infront of all these people and had no plan of getting out and most likely no thought about getting away. Maybe he thought to kill himself afterwards, I don't know.
The fact that this act was so ill planned, and so random and with no direct regard to the consequenses kinda proves, I think, that the act was just a burst of batshit crazy.

Yeah it fucking sucks, and it has definintly messed with my head quite alot since I heard about it. But letting one's primitive and direct feelings of "vengeance" and payback cloud one's judgement, I feel is wrong. And in the end, rather pointless. I can say for myself, that if it were someone in my family, I would care alot more about the person I lost rather than whatever psycho happened to do it. It's just chance. People like this exist. And sometimes they snap. And if you are just real fucking unlucky, you just might be sitting next to them. But that's life.
I think thats a very simplistic and (no offense ment) childish way to look at it. I don't mean just at you personally, I mean everyone who has expressed similar views in this thread...

...Yeah it fucking sucks, and it has definintly messed with my head quite alot since I heard about it. But letting one's primitive and direct feelings of "vengeance" and payback cloud one's judgement, I feel is wrong. And in the end, rather pointless. I can say for myself, that if it were someone in my family, I would care alot more about the person I lost rather than whatever psycho happened to do it. It's just chance. People like this exist. And sometimes they snap. And if you are just real fucking unlucky, you just might be sitting next to them. But that's life.

Beautifully said, I agree 100%, and salute you for your maturity dude! See my post above about shooting people lethally, I think you'll appreciate it.