Cancer Sucks

Jan 11, 2007
having cancer sucks man. I am not going to make it man. I am terminal. Thanks for all the great music tips and laughs. My family is well taken care of, due to some good things I have done in the past so that puts me at peace. I am attempting to finish an ep. If so I will post it up here so people can hear it and hopefully enjoy it.

Please support anit cancer medicine.
Seriously no hope at this point man? Dude I'm so sorry, I lost my father to cancer last year and I know how hard it hits the family and close friends, I can't imagine you being in that position but I know my father had a really hard time with it.

No words can help I guess, but just so you know I think you're a really cool and funny guy and always appreciated your contributions to this place. It ain't over till the fat lady sings man, and I don't hear no fat lady singing!!
holy shit dude. I know its crazy to think about but don't except it as an inevitability. One thing that helps cancer patients overcome impossibility is the strength and hope to keep going (no way religiously affiliated). I have known a few people who have been considered terminal who have overcome it and gone on to live til old age. I know you don't know who I am or anything but I have known who you are for years, that's what is great about this forum, a a lot of love going around.

Be strong dude and know that people will be thinking about you. Can't wait to hear your EP also
don't give up-sorry for the lame words, but that's the best I can tell you.
My aunt went through it two times, both times the docs said it's terminal, she still survived-I hope the best for you!
Fuckin hell dude... Please please don't EVER give up, don't take it as certainty, which isn't.

We obviously don't know each other but I'm sending you all my thoughts and love dude!
:( I'm sorry, if you need anything, please feel free to send me a message. I am chaplain for the ULC and I'm working on a MA in theology. A few family members have battled cancer, including my grandmother who passed about two years ago. I also worked closely with people who are stage III and IV on a nutritional level. I understand the stresses and issues you are facing if you need someone to talk to, advice, an advocate or anything. Are you in contact with a hospice program? Have you looked into any possible experimental treatments?

Also, on the brighter side of death, you could come back as a ghost, and screw with everybody's recordings here. This show is horrible, but this particular episode is pretty cool, about EVPS. You can also have ghost-sex!

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I was diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia back in 2004 and given less than a 10 -20 percent chance of a years survival and almost none of anything lasting yet here I am 8 years later still waking up each morning with my loved ones. Sure I've had two bone marrow transplants, more chemo and radiation that I'd like, but I had a doctor tell me to disregard the odds, ultimately you are either a 0 or a 1 - you either make it or you don't. Those 5 percent, 10 percent, 75 percent odds mean nothing.

Cancer does suck - big time, but it's not over till it's over and despite some scary times and some awful odds, I'm living proof that some do survive despite it all.

I do wish you well and will keep you in my thoughts. Fight on till you can fight no more - life is worth the effort.
Don't believe the doctors, believe in yourself and in your bodys ability to heal.

Visualize a golden light dissolving the cancer, visualize a perfectly healthy tissue there, repeat positive affirmations like "i am perfectly healthy".

I am speaking from experience here, it was not a cancer in my case, but a sickness that the doctor said was incurable by todays medicine - he was very surprised when all the symptoms vanished and even more surprised when i told him that i did it without taking any pills he prescribed... (Not telling you to abandon taking your medicines).

Strong belief really works, it is like switching on nitrous in a car, it tells your body to fight when the body is too lazy to fight and to calm down when it goes out of control (cancer).

Staying positive will help even if that help will be only psychological.
Also about hope:

Don't lose it !

What if the doctor tells you "you have 12 months left" and some scientist on the other side of the planet will develop a perfect cure for your sickness in 13 months from now ???

Giving up and dying in 12 months just like the doctor "ordered" would not be the best thing you could do... Just imagine yourself as a ghost going like "FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ! Just one more month of fighting and i would live !!!"
Dear midget donkeys,

We don't know each other from shit nor milk. That being said, MAN THE FUCK UP BRO!

Don't let it beat you! You have every reason to fight!

I demand an Ipad & a pony!

Really man, fight it.

Be positive.
Don't fucking give up man, I just think about all the cases where someone was supposed to be terminal, or supposed to die of any other thing, and didn't !

Hope, mind, and trust in the future are the most important things !

I don't say doctors don't have the ability to detect these things, but all of them will agree that there is still that part of unknown, and that chance that they are wrong, or that the patient's motivation can defeat all statistics.

In a nutshell : don't give up, don't fucking give up.

Finish your EP, but don't do it as if it was the last thing you wanted to do, don't make it your final effort and then rest to die. Don't count the months, don't count the days.

And ^ what mutant say, you never know. If you want to think about alternative solutions as well, that's the moment to do it. Whatever, you have nothing to lose there. The human mind is amazing, you could cure yourself just by wanting to cure so hard. I don't say it happens every time, but it is a factor.

And re-read again Jill just over there.

Again, I'm gonna emphasize on this : "terminal" doesn't mean "the end".