Candlelight USA getting ready to own the month of May.

On one listen, the new Vreid isn't as good as their debut. It's good but there's something missing. Actually, the new one just makes me want to listen to the old one over and over....Kraft just gets better with each listen.

New Zyklon: Much better than Aeon. I almost think Zyklon is livig up to their potential on this one. A strong Morbid Angel influence shows through at times, and that's not a bad thing.

New Ishahn: Lurch got this one.

New Enslaved: JayKeeley is officially GayKeeley for not liking this simply because it isn't a rehash of old Enslaved. No more argument is needed. My stance is that this is EXCELLENT. I'm getting tired of people thinking a band should never change. Do you people like your sex the same way every night?
Nate The Great said:
New Enslaved: JayKeeley is officially GayKeeley for not liking this simply because it isn't a rehash of old Enslaved. No more argument is needed. My stance is that this is EXCELLENT. I'm getting tired of people thinking a band should never change. Do you people like your sex the same way every night?

lol well put man
Nate The Great said:
New Enslaved: JayKeeley is officially GayKeeley for not liking this simply because it isn't a rehash of old Enslaved. No more argument is needed. My stance is that this is EXCELLENT.

WHAT? :lol: When did I say it was rubbish because it didn't sound like old Enslaved? And what is old Enslaved anyway since each album is pretty unique. I just said it was crap because, well, it's crap. Boring as living fuck I'd say, but to say it's "excellent" is a huge stretch. It's certainly the worst Enslaved album to date, if that even says anything.

Re-read my Enslaved thread: Two best Enslaved albums are Vikingligr Veldi and Below the Lights....with Monumension probably one day taking the throne.
I dunno what to make of the new Zyklon. It sounded very odd and not particularly cool on the first couple of listens, but I bet it'll grow on me ("Aeon" and "World Ov Worms" were pretty much instant hits for me, though).

The new Keep Of Kalessin also needs more listens, but I can alreay state that songs like "The Black Unchartered" will be on my Top 10 songs of 2006 list.

As for the new Enslaved, I like it. A lot better than "Below The Lights", for instance.
RUNN is proggy extreme metal with no soul as opposed to Monumension and Below the Lights. And I don't even like VV..

KoK is the typical polished and boring Black Metal I don't like.Not saying it's generic but it's boring.

I guess I'm gay too.
Then new Keep of Kalessin is fricken sweet! That guitarist can play some of the fastest, sickest riffs ever.

More on Enslaved 'Ruun':

Does anybody know what Terrorizer gave this album? This is EASILY album of the year so far. This is just BRILLIANT. I can't believe some of you are haters. The Opeth comparison dies after a few listens. These guys are REALLY onto something here. I'm betting some of the major mags give this Album of the Year.