Candlelight USA getting ready to own the month of May.

Dev said:
Have you listened to the new Drudkh?

The new Drudkh is great, but it isn't a huge step forward (or in any direction) from what they've done. They're just perfecting the Drudkh style.

Enslaved is continually evolving, and Ruun is a big step beyond anything they've done before.
Nate The Great said:
The new Drudkh is great, but it isn't a huge step forward (or in any direction) from what they've done.

That's perhaps only true if you dismiss "The Swan Road" from existence. Otherwise, it's a HUGE step forward, back to where they were in the first place. :loco:
Nate The Great said:
Then new Keep of Kalessin is fricken sweet! That guitarist can play some of the fastest, sickest riffs ever.

More on Enslaved 'Ruun':

Does anybody know what Terrorizer gave this album? This is EASILY album of the year so far. This is just BRILLIANT. I can't believe some of you are haters. The Opeth comparison dies after a few listens. These guys are REALLY onto something here. I'm betting some of the major mags give this Album of the Year.

Just picked up the new Keep of Kalessin and Enslaved this past week, and I like both of 'em. I doubt I like them as much as you, but I think we both can agree that DanceBoy rules:

circus_brimstone said:
Just picked up the new Keep of Kalessin and Enslaved this past week, and I like both of 'em. I doubt I like them as much as you, but I think we both can agree that DanceBoy rules:



Have you listened to She Said Destroy and Starkweather yet?
Nate The Great said:

Have you listened to She Said Destroy and Starkweather yet?

Just briefly. I'll need to put 'em both on again. Been swamped with new music, though, and I just picked up the self-titled Pelican EP. That's been occupying my player as well as Red Sparowes. :kickass: