Candlemass DVD


New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2002
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Hello there!

We're currently working with Candlemass on their first DVD and I was hoping to find any fans of the band who would like to make any suggestions as to what they would like to see.

Currently it will include the footage of the concert previously released as a live album, plus over an hour and a half of extra footage dating back to 1986.

So what does anybody think?
Thats gonna Rule! How about putting all the videos they did on there! Some studio footage would be Cool as well! Also the concert footage from the home video that came out featuring Candlemass, Dark Angel, & some other band I forgot the name!
I'll check on what studio footage is due to be included.

If you guys can help with any other places for us to spread the word about the new release I (and the band) would be really grateful. I think we probably have most of the main avenues covered but for example I have no idea what the main music magazines (especially metal) are in Australia right now