Candlemass Midifile

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Howdy folkz.

I need some help, again. I have a plan to include a coverversion of "At the gallows end" with Candlemass on the ODYSSEY cover bonus CD. It is most likely that this will turn into a collaberation between me and Lord K. But before I let him waste perfectly good time recording this song, only to find out I don´t like the way I sing it, I would like to "shape up" a midifile and make myself a nice and quick demo (Like I did with all the other songs for inclusion) but I cannot find any Midifile of this song. Maybe it is my Google skills, or it is so that no one is stupid enough to sit down and make a midifile of this excellent classic?? So if anyone find it, please download and send me and email.

when i get back home tonight i can use guitar pro to make a less "midi" sounding wave file, if you want... i am working remotely right now and it doesn't work with midi.

if you need midi files, go to or, search for the band. get guitar pro or powertab depending on the tab you find. both programs can save a midi file.

btw, the song should sound pretty ace with you singing it ;)
Dan covering Candlemass? The greatest doom metal band? Fucking amazing.

I love the new Candlemass with Robert Lowe, but can't stop thinking what if Dan had sung on it. If Lord K doesn't like the vocals, I'll kill him.

Not that related to the thread but whatever :) I dont like the original song but with Åkerfeldt on vocals it rules!
i am an opeth fan myself, but this performance is not even close to messiah marcolins original vocals. :rolleyes:
Hopefully we'll do this track for that recording. It's a killer tune and there's no way Dan can destroy it in any way. I can though, and I sure will do my best to do so.