Canned Korn

who cares?
they need to die (lacuna coil and korn that is), ah hell.. lets throw within temptation down with them just for fun and get rid of 3 horrible bands!

The ppl I know who listen to that crap would never in theyre right minds listen to opeth.. I hope they play a full list of death metal and just skip the melodic parts so that we wont have a wave of kiddo's screaming: opeeeeeeeth! and spamming these boards just cuz they same them live once and downloaded 5 random songs!

or even better, backstage right before they preform, let lopez go mexican on theyre asses and just let opeth preform for the fans
i'm a gamer and i don't talk like an idiot. how can you be so insecure that you care if ignorant people like Opeth? i'm sure you weren't always a tr00 met4l f4n. everyone gets into it from SOMETHING. elitist pansy
See a few months ago were joking about horrific things like this. and slowly these became a reality. also i was reading a uk rock magazine and it stated in an interview that mikael is fed up with getting comments like 'where can i find your cd's' (i believe this is why they joined roadrunne because they need more distribution and they have their own street team, i personally dont want to be a part of handing out Opeth cds n flyers n stuff to some little kid that likes simple plan or wank like that, unless i could see the shock on their faces) this points in one horrid direction. If I see hundreds of little kids next year wearing Opeth hoodies i will make sure to ring my own neck.
NeverIsForever said:
didn't just about everyone on this forum just get done telling me that artistic value is not quantifiable...or some wank like that?

Yep, and notice how they are on Opeth's, and not Ricky Martin's board, as if they really believe any of the relativisitic fallacy shit they spew all over this place.