Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn

Heh, Metal Blade saw the funny side of it too. I even listed it as "The Wretched Beeep" in our review index.

They did say they would send us the proper release once it's on the street.

*shit - just realized the link from the index goes to The Bleeding* :erk:
NAD went to see Cannibal Corpse last night, with support from Hypocrisy. A coupld of things:

(a) I wonder how his interview with Peter from Hypocrisy went.

(b) I wonder how well those Wretched Spawn beeps transport to the live arena. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
NAD went to see Cannibal Corpse last night, with support from Hypocrisy. A coupld of things:

(a) I wonder how his interview with Peter from Hypocrisy went.

(b) I wonder how well those Wretched Spawn beeps transport to the live arena. :loco:
(a) Fucking great, he's a cool guy. Interviewing in person is so much easier than on the phone! It took me awhile to find myself backstage, but I made it.

(b) Note new thread I'm about to create. :)

Glad you like the review Dill! I had fun writing that one in case you couldn't tell. :D
NAD said:
(a) Fucking great, he's a cool guy. Interviewing in person is so much easier than on the phone! It took me awhile to find myself backstage, but I made it.
Oh good. So the guest pass entry worked out fine then as well?

Now that you've interviewed your faves Hypocrisy and Cannibal Corpse, which other musical talents can RC put you in touch with next?
Sorta... it took me some convincing to get myself backstage since the guest list didn't show me getting a press pass, but just a talk or two to security and I was okay'd. Met Hannah for a brief minute (cool chick), and then later realized I had been standing right behind her in line for about ten minutes before the show. :lol: