Cannibal Corpse

Morbid Angel

New Metal Member
Jul 29, 2003
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What do you say we get a Cannibal Corpse thread going? I love these guys. They are one of my favorite death metal bands and I just ordered "Butchered At Birth" remastered with a live bonus track. It should be in the mail in about two weeks. What do you guys think of them and "Butchered At Birth"?
Morbid Angel said:
What do you say we get a Cannibal Corpse thread going? I love these guys. They are one of my favorite death metal bands and I just ordered "Butchered At Birth" remastered with a live bonus track. It should be in the mail in about two weeks. What do you guys think of them and "Butchered At Birth"?

In my humble opinion, Cannibal Corpse is the proud producer of one of the top five classic death metal albums ever: Tomb of the Mutilated. Which I think is better than Butchered at Birth. This list is rounded out by the following:

1) Death - Leprosy
2) Obituary - Cause of Death
3) Deicide - Legion
4) Mortician - House by the Cemetery

Oh, wait, damn, have to work Incantation "Diabolical Conquest" into that list somehow... Hmmmmmm...
I thought the first album was listenable, but when Butchered at Birth and Tomb of the Mutiliated came out, I did not like them at all and basically wrote the band off. I didn't hear CC again until Bloodthirst came out and I was surprised how much I liked it. Bloodthirst, Gallery of Suicide, and Gore Obsessed are all great in my book. Still really can't get into the Barnes era stuff. I think Fisher blows him away, and they got alot better musically since Barnes.
Charubic Murder said:
I second this, but with a tad more anger. Bands like Cannibal Corpse are just bad for death metal all around.

Can you plz take a moment to help clarify your position? What do you mean they are "bad for death metal"?

Also, what bands do you like to listen to? This will help us put your comments in perspective.
Gory Elephant said:
Can you plz take a moment to help clarify your position? What do you mean they are "bad for death metal"?

Also, what bands do you like to listen to? This will help us put your comments in perspective.

I just think Cannibal Corpse is a very mediocre/overrated band. In my opinion, they just rehash albums over and over, thusly being bad for the genre (no innovation). My current death metal fixation's are Gorguts and The Chasm.
Charubic Murder said:
I just think Cannibal Corpse is a very mediocre/overrated band. In my opinion, they just rehash albums over and over, thusly being bad for the genre (no innovation).
I agree that they're not innovating anymore....but rehashing their albums? :err: No more than any two of their albums back to back (Butchered/Tomb, Vile/Bloodthirst at a stretch) sound similar at all to me. What brutal death band isn't guilty of that huh??
I like Cannibal Corpse, though they aren't one of my favorites or anything. They are a veteran death metal band. I don't have Butchered At Birth, but Tomb Of The Mutilated, Vile, and The Bleeding are great.
Cannibal Corpse is a brutal band and are good to listen to when you are in the mood to listen to some really heavy music, but really, they are nothing amazing and have a lot of the same repetitive lyrics and concepts on each of there albums. So I consider them a Brutal Cookie Monster Band.