Cannibal Corpse

Charubic Murder said:
In my opinion, they just rehash albums over and over.

What the f*** man!!! I don't know why everyone b****es about their albums sounding the same. It shows that they aren't sell-outs. You always know what you are getting and if they changed then that would make them sell-outs. I still can't wait for Butchered At Birth to come in the mail.
bloodfiredeath said:
I thought the first album was listenable, but when Butchered at Birth and Tomb of the Mutiliated came out, I did not like them at all and basically wrote the band off. I didn't hear CC again until Bloodthirst came out and I was surprised how much I liked it. Bloodthirst, Gallery of Suicide, and Gore Obsessed are all great in my book. Still really can't get into the Barnes era stuff. I think Fisher blows him away, and they got alot better musically since Barnes.

You left out VILE...great album.
Gory Elephant's opinion is hereby irrelevant. He likes Mortician, one of history's worst bands. I would argue that Mortician is too atonal to even be considered death metal at all.

Cannibal Corpse sucks. There is too little variation between songs to make their material interesting. The drumming is completely devoid of dynamics, or variation for that matter. The guitars are repetitive.

I enjoy brutal death like Incantation, Suffocation, Aborted, Mortal Decay, Molested, Morpheus Descends.
Hehehe. Does anyone have another song-recommendation that will sway my first impression? I'd like either a song that isn't generic, or a song that's generic but excellent. Being generic and crap doesn't launch a band into my favourites list. Hammer Smashed Face is generic, crap and quite frankly it was a waste of my bandwidth.
Overall they aren't the greatest band out there, but I do enjoy their albums. Butchered, and Tomb are great albums.

I still have their Eaten Back To Life Cassette to :P
Guardian of Darkness said:
Hehehe. Does anyone have another song-recommendation that will sway my first impression? I'd like either a song that isn't generic, or a song that's generic but excellent. Being generic and crap doesn't launch a band into my favourites list. Hammer Smashed Face is generic, crap and quite frankly it was a waste of my bandwidth.

Download Meathook Sodomy. The intro should have been cut WAAY shorter, but the song itself rocks. Thats from Butchered At Birth
Guardian of Darkness said:
Hehehe. Does anyone have another song-recommendation that will sway my first impression? I'd like either a song that isn't generic, or a song that's generic but excellent. Being generic and crap doesn't launch a band into my favourites list. Hammer Smashed Face is generic, crap and quite frankly it was a waste of my bandwidth.

I've only heard about 3 songs by them (hammer smashed face, and two off "gore obsessed") and I wasn't impressed by hammer.... so i wasn't expecting much from the two of gore obsessed but those two surprised me, very good death metal, and the guitar solos were awesome too.
Cannibal Corpse is good music to listen to when you feel like you want to do something violent :). They're no where near the best or the brutallest in death metal like many seem to think but wicked for that adrenaline rush. Problem is that they get repetitive. Corpsegrinder is a wicked vocalist and he's doing a good job filling in for Barnes. Has that high-pitched,animal scream comparing to the low grunting with Barnes. I bought Vile in Feburary and it was worth my money.
You dont like Hammer Smashed Face? C'mon man! That's one of their best songs. If you dont like that one, I dont think you'll like any of their other songs frankly.
hmmm, while Hammer Smashed Face is a classic CC song, their most famous, and has one truly sick-ass riff, it's also one of their more formulaic and linear to a big Opef fan like GoD, it likely seems a little boring.

A lot of their later music is getting shorter in playing length but also, thankfully, less repetitive and more interesting.
I think Guardian might like "Devoured By Vermin". I actually like Cannibal Corpse with Corpsegrinder than Barnes unlike some Cannibal Corpse fans.