
Dushan S said:
If anyone wants to find out more about this topic, there is a book about team of rugby players from Argentina whose plain has crashed somewhere in mountains in Chille. It is very high part of the mountains, under snow and ice, so flesh of people that have died in accident could be used during those weeks they were trapped there. They have survived only by eating flesh of few other passangers and their friends, they had no other choice. There is a book about it, not sure about the name, but with the little help from google, you could find it easily I guess. Read it, quite interesting.

As I am no fish or a bug, I cannot see how the way another species live their life can mean anything to me.
I tend to belive to impulses of my body, and as body of most of human beings, it reacts with disgust on other dead humans and their flesh exposed, so there is probably a very good reason for that, as there is a good reason for not eating shit even if there is still a lot of proteins there. Technically, human flash should taste very bad, as flesh of other animals that are eating flesh too.
It seems that people presume that every kind of "laws" we have in society is intentionally made by human, which is untrue. There are some laws based on deep insticts and collective mind. Fact that most of societies on earth avoid eating flesh of their fellow humans shows that this is good for a human race. Also, I have some other specific views at this topic as I am vegetarian, so I do not eat any kind of meat at all because I feel it is quite disgusting to eat something that has feelings like I have and is breathing the same air as I do. But this is all another story.

Disclaimer / Not preaching or anything, my preference is based on feelings of disgust towards eating flesh, not any kind of moral code, I do not think that everyone should avoid meat.

It was also made into a movie. The movie was released in 1993 with the title "Alive". for details.

NP: Symphony X - The Accolade
Moon of Amber said:
I must admit that when I'm sitting in class feeling bored and hungry, I occasionally look around me and begin to ache for a bit of scrumptious eyeball stew.

With ginger, perhaps, and lemon juice?
Treat them just like caviar; they have the same "popping" salty quality that sturgeon roe has, only in a bigger spherical shape.

Brioche croutons, and ice-cold vodka. Simplicity is always best.
Demiurge said:
I've eaten the eye of a pig before, so I imagine it's not too dissimilar.

You know that and brain are the two things I havent tried. Lambs tongue, the jaw bone, Florentine Tripe, Fish heads, any kind of fish roe, they are all very delicious. Really, I am not shitting for all those squamish Americans out there. The only organ meat I draw the line at is kidneys. Ive tried them braised in brandy, roasted in a pit--everything, and nothing gets rid of that ultra-rubbery texture.
speed said:
Wasnt it Jonathan Swift who satirically wrote that Irish babies were tasty, and Englishmen seem to have a rapacious appetite for them boiled? so in th spirit of swift, I would say most of suburbia is ripe for consumption; however, I understand the meat is rather bland and fatty.

yah but its a satirical essay that pokes fun at the ethnocentric views that were commonplace against the irish during that time.
ohhh and plenty of so called "primitive" cultures in the vastness of africa or polynesia easily eat their own, the question is what is deemed primitive, immoral, and disgusting could be viewed much differently by another. pure ethnocentrism. nothing more and not necessarily bad either. the only solution is knowledge. no less.