

Apr 17, 2005
Our society has many taboos against this. Other than eating the brain, which can cause health problems, are there any practical reasons we shouldn't eat other people, especially when humanity is this overpopulated? If we let predation be the law, by the very nature of Darwinism, wouldn't that leave us with a better population?

Yes but at the same time some of those polynesian tribes have ridiculous levels of some brain diseases, as a result of eating human brains.
BSE, CJD etc are a direct result of eating neural tissue.

I don't know of any other bad things about eating other humans. I mean i guess it's ok unless you eat the brains. Fish eat other fish, and birds eat other birds.
But the whole disease thing is still rather vague i guess.
Have you ever actually eaten another person? You talk about eliminating everyone who is weaker than you and your kind but I think you must be an incredibly weak person yourself. Your sense of morals is completely deranged and you've let yourself believe every piece of neo-nazi supremist bullshit thats thrown at you. I know this is an incredibly flaming post and it probably won't have any effect on you whatsoever, but you seriously need to lighten up.
sonofhendrix13 said:
Have you ever actually eaten another person? You talk about eliminating everyone who is weaker than you and your kind but I think you must be an incredibly weak person yourself. Your sense of morals is completely deranged and you've let yourself believe every piece of neo-nazi supremist bullshit thats thrown at you. I know this is an incredibly flaming post and it probably won't have any effect on you whatsoever, but you seriously need to lighten up.

Ahem, I dont think he is serious.
Isn't there some talk that things such as alzheimers developed from cannibalism? I wouldn't say its necessarily a perversion in itself, but in western culture it is seem as rather disgusting and vulgar, and has an element of perversion in how it is practiced.
I'm not sure how seriously this thread is meant to be taken, but regardless, there are two distinct issues imnplied in the initial post:
1) The consumption of human flesh
2) The killing of other humans (the act in and of itself, and the act for the purpose of consuming human flesh)

Any conveyed maladies aside, the question of taboo is, of course, ideological. As far as I am aware of the instances of the modern practice, it is a religious one - it is a respectful act and, as such, seems fine by me. If we leave the issue at this, it has no bearing on overpopulation since the individuals so cannibalized must already be dead.

If the issue concerns the question of whether it should be acceptable to kill people for their flesh, to curb overpopulation, or for any other reason, it is, in a sense, moot; the question falls under the greater issue of whether it is acceptable for one Man, or group of Men, to decide the fate of others.

/blah blah blah
When I think about it, I find it hard to think of a really good reason why Cannibalism is wrong and disgusting.

All mammels have organs alike our own. But, why is it so difficult for a normal person to even ponder consuming another? Could it be the fact that we were brought up to believe Cannibalism is disgusting? Is it because we can easily communicate with another human therefore morally do not want to? Is it us imagine ourselves being consumed?

It's really a tricky thing to think about. We can easily breed and slaughter cows, chickens and pigs (livestock) for us to consume. It's what we have been doing for thousands of years. For example, look at some Asian countries. Parts of Vietnam and parts of Korea will buy a dog, kill it and cook it to consume. Here in the U.S., that's unheard of. Why? Because it's not what we do here. Actually, it's considered illegal because of our morals, the way we were and are being brought up.
Animals think human flesh tastes like shit, I think the same. Why eat human when there's other kinds of meat?
Eliminating the weak is one thing, eating them another.
Crycheck said:
Animals think human flesh tastes like shit, I think the same. Why eat human when there's other kinds of meat?
Eliminating the weak is one thing, eating them another.

Satire dude, satire. If I can say this without intending any harm, is there a reason why Scandinavians are oblivious to satire? It's something I've noticed. Germans too.
Satire, even for non-Scandinavians and Germans, is difficult to sense on the internet. (Unless you add rolling-eye smileys, etc.).
10293847 said:
Satire, even for non-Scandinavians and Germans, is difficult to sense on the internet. (Unless you add rolling-eye smileys, etc.).

True. It's amazing how serious people are about things these days. No one wants to rock the boat anymore.

But I dont know how many times I've made over the top satirical statements on this board, and scandinavians go crazy and serious on me. And in my travels, I've noticed that unless you are friends with them (Germans/Scandinavians), they are totally impervious to humor.
If anyone wants to find out more about this topic, there is a book about team of rugby players from Argentina whose plain has crashed somewhere in mountains in Chille. It is very high part of the mountains, under snow and ice, so flesh of people that have died in accident could be used during those weeks they were trapped there. They have survived only by eating flesh of few other passangers and their friends, they had no other choice. There is a book about it, not sure about the name, but with the little help from google, you could find it easily I guess. Read it, quite interesting.

As I am no fish or a bug, I cannot see how the way another species live their life can mean anything to me.
I tend to belive to impulses of my body, and as body of most of human beings, it reacts with disgust on other dead humans and their flesh exposed, so there is probably a very good reason for that, as there is a good reason for not eating shit even if there is still a lot of proteins there. Technically, human flash should taste very bad, as flesh of other animals that are eating flesh too.
It seems that people presume that every kind of "laws" we have in society is intentionally made by human, which is untrue. There are some laws based on deep insticts and collective mind. Fact that most of societies on earth avoid eating flesh of their fellow humans shows that this is good for a human race. Also, I have some other specific views at this topic as I am vegetarian, so I do not eat any kind of meat at all because I feel it is quite disgusting to eat something that has feelings like I have and is breathing the same air as I do. But this is all another story.

Disclaimer / Not preaching or anything, my preference is based on feelings of disgust towards eating flesh, not any kind of moral code, I do not think that everyone should avoid meat.
speed said:
True. It's amazing how serious people are about things these days. No one wants to rock the boat anymore.

But I dont know how many times I've made over the top satirical statements on this board, and scandinavians go crazy and serious on me. And in my travels, I've noticed that unless you are friends with them (Germans/Scandinavians), they are totally impervious to humor.

It's because you're an American, and Europeans mostly think that we're all complete idiots, and they would actually believe you when you say over the top things.

As far as cannibalism goes, I think there would be an underground market for human meat if it was actually any good. There are many abundant animals we don't eat, primarily because they don't taste good (horse, donkey, goldfish, etc.) That's probably one reason we don't eat humans, because I bet there have to be enough people willing to throw aside popular morality for a tasty meal. After all, we don't give a second thought to endangering the real tasty stuff, like turtle or condor eggs.
MasterOLightning said:
It's because you're an American, and Europeans mostly think that we're all complete idiots, and they would actually believe you when you say over the top things.

As far as cannibalism goes, I think there would be an underground market for human meat if it was actually any good. There are many abundant animals we don't eat, primarily because they don't taste good (horse, donkey, goldfish, etc.) That's probably one reason we don't eat humans, because I bet there have to be enough people willing to throw aside popular morality for a tasty meal. After all, we don't give a second thought to endangering the real tasty stuff, like turtle or condor eggs.

Oh I know they think we are all idiots, and it doesnt help that most Americans are when in foreign lands or at home. But on a non Scandinvian front, every European I know, is totally oblivious to my humor (which maybe isnt the most telling indicator), and most American humor. Especially over the top and sarcastic humor--they just dont get it. ALthough they do seem to enjoy Married with Children and the Simpsons.
About 85% of Prozak's personality is made of satire, you'd think people would spot it instantly by now. Still, I must admit that when I'm sitting in class feeling bored and hungry, I occasionally look around me and begin to ache for a bit of scrumptious eyeball stew.